

2015-03-20    01'44''

主播: 财新金融英语

547 20

A lack of child-care knowledge among older generations in rural areas is contributing to educational challenges, researchers say, among children left in the countryside by migrant worker parents. In an attempt to address growing lags in educational and social skills development, a program is being tested out by the National Health and Family Planning Commission. The program is also being closely watched as an option in shifting the role of the family planning worker from an enforcer of the one-child policy to a parenting trainer. Jointly run by Shaanxi Normal University and Stanford University, the program launched in November 2014 with nearly 70 family planning workers assigned to check children of randomly selected families in Danfeng County in the city of Shangluo, Shaanxi Province. In one village, the program’s researchers say that one-third of the small children are behind national averages in terms of physical development, and, 21 percent failed to keep apace in cognitive ability. The early childhood training is geared toward addressing challenges in overall educational performance for students in rural areas. In a recent Shaanxi Normal University study, researchers found that some 30 percent of rural children dropped out of middle school. Among all rural children in China, only 8 percent attended college, in contrast to 70 percent of urban children. But as the one-child policy becomes less stringent, the work of family planning bureaus is changing and the program is also being viewed as a way to train those employees as early childhood specialists. Cai Jianhua, head of the Training and Communication Center at the health commission, said the market for early childhood training in China could support some 8 million early childhood training specialists. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 和以往结扎、罚款等业务不同,在陕西商洛一共有69名基层乡镇的计生干部从2014年11月开始被赋予了一项新任务 --- 被培训成了婴幼儿早期发展的“养育师”。和上世纪八九十年代,拎着扩音器、带着大队人马到村里上房揭瓦、拉人结扎上环的计生干部们相比,这批带着玩具来陪孩子们的“养育师”在村人眼中的形象已大相径庭。 这是个名为“养育未来”的婴幼儿早期发展项目(下称“养育未来”), 69名商洛基层的计生干部,是被培训的第一批“养育师”。他们和227名被随机挑选出的0到3岁婴幼儿,正在进行一项由国家卫计委和农村教育行动计划(Rural Education Action Program)由陕师大教育实验经济研究所、中国科学院农业政策研究中心、美国斯坦福大学等多个单位所共建,下称REAP)共同推动的婴幼儿早期发展干预实验。 “养育未来”的实验由此应运而生。按照项目规划,担任“养育师”的计生干部们,要每周定期上门辅导农村的幼儿,陪他们玩游戏、做美工、唱儿歌,与孩子一道完成专为婴幼儿设计的课程任务,纪录下幼儿是否能跳高、数数儿、单脚站立等成长指标。每次的互动需要一个小时。 在中国农村,特别是在隔代教养现象大量存在的贫困地区,婴幼儿早期发展知识的匮乏,使中国城乡人力资源培养的起跑线差距,早在生命的最初1000天便已拉开。 黑沟河村正是中国中西部农村的缩影。根据REAP在陕西所做的一项抽样研究显示,在受测的中国农村孩子中,33%的婴幼儿运动能力发展滞后,21%的婴幼儿认知能力发展滞后。 据陕西师范大学计算,在中国,城市孩子有70%接受了高等教育,但在贫困农村地区,此一比例只有8%;甚至还有30%的孩子,连初中教育都未能完成便已辍学。 如果此一情况未获改变,农村贫穷情况的代际传递几成定数;即便孩子循父母的路径进城打工,阶层流动的前景也难称乐观。 2014年,中国共迎来1687万名新生儿。以此为依据,蔡建华说,“如果全国有5000万0到3岁的孩子,那么至少可以有800万人来做婴幼儿早期发展的工作”。为了使这项工作能够成为一个被社会认可、有民间力量愿意投入的新业种,蔡建华透露,人社部在国家卫计委的建议下,已同意在2015年版本的《国家职业分类大典》新增列一项“婴幼儿发展养育指导员”的职业。 卫计委培训交流中心的主任蔡建华预测,只要婴幼儿早期发展的重要性得到公众认同、足以激励社会资本投入,相关的行业规范、人才培训和专业执照制度亦能逐步建立,如此一来,不但能替国家解决就业问题,也可让百万基层计生干部找到新的职业重心。 而有志于此的农村青年,还可以在接受培训后,由大城市里的打工族,回流到乡村或小镇执业,成为农村和城镇地区的新生力量。