

2015-03-23    01'25''

主播: 财新金融英语

494 22

The acrid air and fouled waters of Lanzhou, a city in the northwestern province of Gansu, may have some hope for improvement on a recent settlement struck by the city’s environmental authorities and China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC). Lanzhou Petrochemical Co., a subsidiary of CNPC has agreed to pay 100 million yuan to the Lanzhou city government for environmental damages incurred through several pollution incidents linked to the company. The payout will go to addressing issues with the city’s drainage system, which was faulted after several incidents in 2014 including a benzene leak disaster which rendered Lanzhou’s water supplies undrinkable . In April of last year, the city government found that levels of benzene had risen to 20 times above national safety standards. An urgent text message was sent by the local government which stated: "Due to excessive levels of benzene, we are reducing public water provision for the next 24 hours, and we recommend you not drink tap water." Nearly a year later, the city’s environmental authorities have released an environmental impact study to clean up areas affected by the subsidiary’s activity. The benzene leak was traced to an oil spill from the CNPC subsidiary’s pipelines into the city’s water sources. Authorities say the plan is for the cleanup to be completed within two years. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 兰州石化曾多次爆发环境污染事故。 2014年4月,兰州发生“4·11”自来水苯超标事件,导致全城饮水在数天时间内出现危机,造成全国性影响。此次自来水事件后来直接导致兰州创建全国文明城市被“一票否决”。最终,兰州市副市长严志坚被行政警告,兰州市建设局局长冯乐贵被行政撤职。 兰州市政府公布的调查报告显示,兰州石化历史积存的地下含油污水经缝隙渗入自流沟,对自来水造成污染,致使局部自来水苯超标。兰州市政府责成中国石油天然气集团公司应吸取兰州石化公司多次泄露造成环境污染形成事故的教训,督促兰州石化按照专家提出的治理方案尽快彻底切断污染源,消除安全隐患,并承担相关费用。 最新消息是,兰州市环保局正在公示兰州石化地下水和土壤污染修复项目,项目环评报告书显示,项目修复对象为环形阻隔区内的污染土壤和地下水,修复总面积约4.95万平方米,总投资1.09亿元。本次修复的主要目标是修复场地的地下水和土壤中污染物将满足国家相关标准,确保今后自流沟运行安全、不再发生自来水污染。 3月22日,公示到达截止时间,如果环评公示顺利通过,项目将于3月底开工,主体工程部分可在2015年完成,项目自开工到收效需2年时间,项目所有资金将都由中石油承担。 另有消息称,兰州市发改委称当地政府有意争取将兰州石化搬迁纳入国家规划。