

2015-06-02    01'04''

主播: 财新金融英语

626 42

Six stock, commodity and futures exchanges in China have issued pay reductions of up to two-thirds to their executives. A person familiar with the decision said the salary cuts which included the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses were backdated to January. The lowering of the salaries is part of measures to address rising public discontent on the perception of high salaries for top executives at state-owned institutions. In 2013, Jiang Jianqing, president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the country's biggest bank, was cited as the highest paid banking official that year, with an annual salary of about 2 million yuan. On January 1, the salaries of senior executives at five state-owned banks were capped at 600,000 yuan. Commentators say the lower salaries could reduce incentives for stock market executives to manage mainland market exchanges with a rising demand for similar skills in other parts of the industry. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 知情人士告诉财新记者,证监会去年年底确定了降薪方案,今年1月开始实施。降薪的范畴暂只包括理事长、总经理和副总经理等由中国证监会直管的干部。薪酬调整之后,这些会管干部的薪资低于各个业务部门的总监,与大型国有商业银行降薪后的情形类似。 从1月1日起,中国五大国有商业银行高管的年薪上限调降至约60万元人民币。中国工商银行董事长姜建清2013年的薪酬约为200万元。 此前,六大交易所的高管职位一直被证监会各级干部觊觎,交易所的理事长、总经理、副总经理多由证监会产生。而证监会副主席退休前后也会出任交易所的理事长等职。 交易所会管干部降薪与国有金融机构的降薪相呼应,同样引来人才流失的担忧。目前总监及以下级别的干部尚未受到影响,但是各交易所近两年招聘的新员工薪资低于往年新聘人员的水平。各个业务部门的业务骨干即便暂时没有降薪,但其薪资待遇与市场水平之间的差距也已经相当明显,流失速度开始加快。