

2015-06-01    01'42''

主播: 财新金融英语

583 53

China Telecom has told Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. that the accidental cutting of cables by construction workers at a site in Hangzhou was the reason the Alipay online payment service suffered a recent 150-minute glitch. Alipay stopped working for about 2½ hours on the afternoon of May 27. At the time, it blamed shutdown on construction workers cutting a telecom company's cables in the eastern city's Xiaoshan District. In a letter on May 28 to Alibaba Group, China Telecom said the incident was caused by construction workers who were installing electric cables in a channel that also included its telecom cables around 4:40 p.m. near where Fengqing Avenue meets the Qiantang River Third Bridge. Alipay is owned by Ant Financial Services Group, which is linked to Alibaba Group. The telecoms firm said the construction workers did not inform it that they were opening the channel, notification that is required by the city government. The construction project involved is part of the city's efforts to make improvements along the road to Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, a source with knowledge of the airport project said. China Telecom said its technicians worked through the night to repair the cables, and it was sorry for the problems Alibaba had. Alibaba's cloud service and some of the services offered by Internet company NetEase Inc. were also affected. Alibaba says Alipay has more than 300 million registered users and the online payment tool handled an average of more than 10 billion yuan worth of transactions every day of 2014. The long glitches suffered by Net companies have caused concerns about the safety of personal information, and prompted experts to question the firms' back-up plans. For Caixin Online, this is Diana Bates. 5月27日下午5点左右,支付宝出现全国范围的系统瘫痪。淘宝购物、第三方网站付款、支付宝钱包各项功能全部无法使用。支付宝随后回应称,造成少部分用户无法正常使用支付宝的原因是,杭州市萧山区某地光纤被挖断。事故发生两个半小时之后,支付宝才恢复正常,引发了人们对支付宝灾备能力的种种猜测,甚至有人怀疑“挖断光纤”的说法是否真实?支付宝及背后的阿里云的安全体系是否存在重大隐患? 中国电信向财新记者证实,支付宝使用的光纤是中国电信的,昨日确实有施工方不慎挖断了光纤。不过,支付宝和中国电信都未在回应中提及挖断光纤的施工方是谁。但财新记者从多位知情人士处获悉,这家施工方是杭州市政部门,因改建萧山机场公路,挖相应的配套设施,不慎挖断光纤。 支付宝已是全球最大的第三方支付机构,2013年实名用户即超过3亿人。阿里巴巴招股书透露,2014财年(截至3月31日),支付宝的总支付金额达到38720亿元,日均支付量已超过百亿,占到中国的第三方支付市场份额70%以上。