

2015-06-12    01'49''

主播: 财新金融英语

613 36

One of the many problems with space is that there is no easy way to get rid of trash. Once something breaks up there, it pretty much stays up there. Unless the debris burns up when reentering the atmosphere – a solution that can create a whole host of problems for the people the trash lands on – the debris can stay for interminable periods of time in space, just floating around. But to say that the trash floats around harmlessly would be misleading. It orbits, another word which sounds harmless, but which actually means that these softball-sized debris, numbering around 20,000, spin around the earth at 7,800 meters per second, which is more than fast enough to damage a satellite or spacecraft. Chinese scientists say that debris comes within 100 meters of Chines developed spacecraft an average of 30 times per year. Increasingly, scientists have begun to call for greater cooperative efforts in tackling space debris. China, for one, which contributed 3,000 pieces of debris when it fired a test missile at an old weather satellite in 2007, has announced the formation of a new organization specifically directed to study, track, and even maneuver space debris to protect the country&`&s space endeavors. The new group, composed of members of China&`&s space agency as well as members of the Chinese Academy of Science, signals an important step in the efforts that began 15 years ago in year 2000. China&`&s space dreams remain ambitious. After becoming the third country to put a man into space in 2003, China plans to send an unmanned craft to Mars by 2020, launch a space lab by 2022, and send manned voyages to the moon by 2030. The increasing amounts of space debris pose risks for China&`&s endeavors; the new organization devoted to studying debris is expected to pave the way for more and more launches. For Caixin online, this is Samuel Liu. 国家航天局空间碎片监测与应用中心于6月8日在中国科学院国家天文台挂牌成立,标志着中国空间碎片监测、预警、应对突发事件以及国际合作有了实体依托单位。 空间碎片是人类在航天活动中遗弃在太空的废弃物,也称“空间垃圾”。主要包括废弃的航天器和运载火箭箭体、固体火箭燃烧物、航天器在轨操作及碰撞解体产生的碎片等。目前,毫米级以上的空间碎片数以亿计,总重量达到几千吨。 据统计,中国在轨航天器已达129颗,平均每年发生与空间碎片100米以内的近距离危险交会达30余次。此外,每年都有许多空间碎片返回大气层。这些频繁发生的陨落事件,对地面人员和财产安全造成了严重威胁。 国家航天局空间碎片监测与应用中心是由国防科工局与中科院共同管理,业务受国防科工局委托和指导,依托中科院国家天文台在空间碎片设备设施和人才队伍方面的技术优势开展相关工作。该中心将在推进中国空间碎片技术发展,提升空间碎片管理和服务能力,保障中国航天器在轨运行安全,支撑中国航天国际交流与合作,维护中国外空发展权益等方面发挥作用。 据人民网,中国从2000年就启动了“空间碎片行动计划”,目前已完成的工作有:地基监测一期工程建设完成,为载入航天、探月工程等提供了空间碎片监测预警技术服务;开发了高性能防护材料和先进防护结构;颁布了《空间碎片减缓与防护暂行管理办法》;对现役长征系列运载火箭实施末级钝化处置,并多次对废弃卫星实施离轨处置。 此外,国防科工局总工程师田玉龙表示,空间碎片清除目前还是一个世界性难题。 国防科工局局长、国家航天局局长许达哲表示,成立国家航天局空间碎片监测与应用中心,目的是充分发挥和利用中科院国家天文台已有的监测设施、人才队伍优势以及多年积累的运行经验,统筹利用国内外各种监测数据资源,建立自主的空间碎片监测网,维护中国空间资源的安全。