

2014-11-21    19'37''

主播: mikeee

13875 1061

[03:03.97]Wow, look at the date. [03:05.78]He saved this 50 years and never got to open it. [03:09.15]That's intense. [03:11.57]Poor Roger Abbott. [05:23.20]Say, Betsy Ross, what you working on? [05:27.00]I have no idea. [05:30.62]Because the story of me sewing the first American flag [05:34.09]is unsupported poppycock 【俚】胡说; 废话 同义参见:rubbish. [05:37.13]Then who did sew it, hmm? [05:39.96]Don't ask me. [05:41.68]I'm just a simple seamstress whose descendants are... [05:45.12]out to make a quick buck! [05:55.11]Fancy a dip, my dear? [05:56.86]I do. [06:00.48]Wait, that purple flag indicates [06:03.24]that marine pests, such as jellyfish, are present. [06:05.91]Wow, that flag is a lifesaver. [07:55.93]Dan, you have a grandson. How old is he? [07:58.59]- Seven. - Oh, yeah. [07:59.99]I remember him from the picnic. [08:02.99]He was the one crying like a wuss【俚】犹豫不定的, 软弱无用的人 the whole time. [08:06.78]I heard he was being picked on by a mean kid. [08:10.28]Just builds character. [08:11.68]Like my dad said, "Nobody likes a crybaby [08:20.34]- What's his problem? - Oh. [08:22.26]I don't know. Maybe he didn't like the fact 169 [08:24.09]that you called his grandson a wuss. [08:25.88]Well, I didn't think you were supposed to say "sissy" anymore. [08:29.10]Okay, look, I know what a good person you are, [08:32.64]but sometimes people think you might come off a little harsh. [18:54.30]At least listen to the premise. [18:56.77]Since you were born in Germany, [18:58.30]I thought we could talk about German flags. [19:01.27]How do you feel about dressing up like a swastika纳粹党徽?