if you will

if you will

2018-05-05    01'52''

主播: 踏歌天涯

47 2

If you will smile to the wind wind will wake up the flower blooming on your way If you will open the window window will call the bird singing day to day If you will read a good book book will invite the wisdom lighting your heart But,don't assume that if you will be the dream will be Dream,may be just a direction never be touched but makes you grow 如果你愿意 对着风儿微笑 风会唤醒沉睡的鲜花 惊艳枯索的年华 如果你愿意 打开久闭的门窗 窗户就会唤来鸟儿 日日倾情歌唱 如果你愿意 读一本真正的好书 书就会邀请智慧 为你点亮心灯,驱散迷雾 但是,不要妄想 只要你愿意,梦想就会成真 梦想,或许只是一个方向 永远无法触及 却迫使你成长
上一期: 飞鸟集003
下一期: mother'day