

2018-05-13    01'24''

主播: 踏歌天涯

58 3

Mother's day, you need to really know your mom . She may not be smart enough to satisfy all your fantasies about the world, please believe that the generation gap is caused by both sides, growing up also limits your imagination to your mom's world. Maybe she's really vain, always wants you to win her honor, please forgive the human frailty, you are the only love that can make her do her best, just with a little bit of desire. But ,believe,please,believe that anytime you need her to do anything for you, she would have no fear, no hesitation, no regrets. not because of greatness, but because of instinct. This is your real mom, not perfect, but really love you.
上一期: if you will
下一期: 飞鸟集004