66B _ Apple Watch

66B _ Apple Watch

2015-04-29    00'51''

主播: 布莱恩教育

16522 1227

Apple Watch Welcome to Apple Watch, it’s our most personal device yet. Because it’s the first one you actually wear. It works seamlessly with your iPhone, but it’s a whole new kind of experience. To make the best use of its size, it has some amazing new interactions and technologies. They make Apple Watch super easy to use when you’re on the move. And since it’s right there on your wrist, it’s ideal for brief interactions. It lets you quickly do things you’re used to doing on your phone, but in a more convenient less obtrusive way. It can even do other things that simply weren’t possible with your phone, like give you a discrete tap when you receive a notification, or monitor your heart rate. To tell you more, we’ve created a series of guided tours. In this one, we’ll give you an introduction to Apple Watch. 【参考译文】 欢迎使用苹果表,它是真正与你贴近的个人设备。因为这一次你可以实实在在的将它带在手腕上。它不仅能和iPhone紧密合作,还能带给你焕然一新的体验。为了能尽可能发挥它小的特点,我们采用了全新的互动方式和技术。让你在运动中也能得心应手的使用Apple Watch。 由于它紧贴着你的手腕,所以非常适合做一些简单的互动。很多原来在手机上的操作,现在在举手之间就能流畅的搞定。此外,它还能实现一些你的手机无法做到的事。比如在收到消息时给你一个悄无声息地轻触,或监测你的心率。为了让你了解得更全面,我们特意制作了一系列介绍的视频。