《听见英国》U7L3 Exam Retakes 重新考试

《听见英国》U7L3 Exam Retakes 重新考试

2015-02-24    01'48''

主播: ikey

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Unit 7 Study 在英国求学 Listening 3 Exam Retakes 要求重新考试 英语听力原文: (knock knock) Supervisor:Come in.Hi,Kei. Kei:Hi,may I talk to you now? S:Sure. K:Urm,I'm a bit worried about my exam results. S:Oh,are you? K:Well,in Japan,if I fail the year-end examination,I can still stay in the same year.But in England,I heard that students have got to leave the university.Is it correct? S:Well,it depends on the circumstances.Often,if a students has been ill or had personal problems,they can take a year off-and then,redo exams and rejoin the course where they left off.I may be possible to redo a year,but it's not common. K:It's not common to redo a year in England?Do they automatically have to leave the university? S:Not automatically.They only have to leave if they've done no work.They will get several warnings.In general,once a student is accepted-and the entry procedure is quite rigorous-the university doesn't like failures and so will hope to aware of problems before they become too serious. K:It's the same with Japanese universities.But is there another alternative so that the student doesn't have to leave the university? S:Oh,yes.Another alternative is a non-honours degree.For example,if a student's course work is good,but examinations are poor or not taken.Each case is judged on its merits.Generally,students with problems are warned,take resits and then either proceed or not-through mutual discussion.Repeating a year is unusual-though it may be possible to do this by transferring to another university. K:OK,now I understand.Thank you for your time.Bye. S:Bye. 英语听力翻译: (敲门声) 辅导员:请进,嗨,凯依。 凯依:嗨,我可以跟你谈一下吗? 辅导员:当然。 凯依:呃,我有点担心我的考试成绩。 辅导员:喔,是吗? 凯依:嗯,在日本,如果期末考不及格,我可以留级重念一年。但是在英国,我听说学生会被退学,真的是这样吗? 辅导员:嗯,这要看情况。通常,如果学生生病了,或是有一些个人问题,他们可以休学一年——然后重新参加考试,重新加入之前中断的课程。是有可能重念一年,但是这种情况不常见。 凯依:英国重念一年的情况不多?他们会自动被退学吗? 辅导员:不是自动,除非学生课业上一点进展也没有,才必须离开学校。他们会受到好几次警告。一般来说,一旦接受学生入学——我们审核入学的过程是相当严谨的——学校也不希望学生半途而废,所以会希望能及早注意到学生的问题,以免问题愈来愈严重。 凯依:日本的大学也是这样。但是有没有其他选择,可以让学生不用离开学校? 辅导员:喔,有的。另一个选择是拿“非优异学位”,比方说一个学生课堂表现很好,但是考试成绩很差或没有参加考试。每一个个案都必须经过个别处理审核。一般来说,有问题的学术会受到警告,补考,然后不是升级就是退学——在双方讨论过之后。重念一年的例子很少——不过如果转学到另一所大学确实有可能重念同一个年级。 凯依:好的,现在我了解了。谢谢你花时间解释,再见。 辅导员:再见。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~10 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(J)中选出意思最接近的选项。 1. circumstance (A) opposite of pass or success 2. common (B) a notice in advance of danger or bad situation 3. warning (C) severe or hard 4. procedure (D) to move from one place to another place 5. rigorous (E) a set of actions 6. failure (F) each other 7. alternative (G) a choice 8. degree (H) situation 9. mutual (I ) ordinary or usual 10. transfer (J) an academic qualification given by a college or university to a student who has completed a course of study 答案:1.H 2.I 3.B 4.E 5.C 6.A 7.G 8.J 9.H 10.D 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 Who is Kei discussing with? (A) An academic supervisor (B) A university administrative staff (C) A university student 答案:A 英语听力测试任务3: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 1. If Kei fails this year-end examinations, does she have to leave this university? (A) Yes (B) No (C) It depends on what happens in her case. 2. When can students claim to take a year off? (A) Before the year-end examination (B) After the results of the year-end examination (C) Not stated in the conversation 3. If the results of the examinations are not good, what happens next to Kei? 4. What’s an alternative choice? (A) A course work (B) Examinations (C) A non-honours degree 5. When can a non-honours degree be given? (A) A student’s examinations are poor but course work is good. (B) A student’s examinations are good but course work is poor. (C) Both a student’s examinations and course work are good. 答案:1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 英语听力测试任务4: 请根据对话内容,判断下面句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。 1. Kei hopes to make sure whether she passed the year-end exam. 2. Depending on the circumstances, Kei can take a year off. 3. It’s common to red