《听见英国》U8L2 Cancelling an Appointment 取消约会

《听见英国》U8L2 Cancelling an Appointment 取消约会

2015-02-24    01'17''

主播: ikey

146 32

Unit 8 Work and Business 工作与社交 Listening 2 Cancelling an Appointment 取消约会 英语听力原文: (RRR) Operator:Concord College,how can I help you? Caller:Hello,would you put me through to Miss O'Shea?It's Alison Radd-Clarke callling. (RRR) O:Hello,I'm afraid she doesn't seem to be available at the moment.Would you like to leave a message? C:Yes,please.My name is Alison Radd-Clarke;R-A-double D,hyphen,Clarke with E at the end.Have you got it? O:Alison Radd-Clarke,R-A-double D,hyphen,Clarke with E at the end? C:Yes,that's right.I've got an appointment with her at one tomorrow afternoon.But I'm wondering whether I can change it to 3 o'clock.I'd very much appreciate it if she could let me know by know by noon tomorrow.My mobile number is 0772-088-2704. O:OK.I'll pass your message on to her. C:Thank you.Bye. O:Bye. 英语听力翻译: (电话铃声) 总机:协和学院,请问有什么事情吗? 来电者:哈啰,可以帮我转接欧谢小姐吗?我是艾莉森•罗德克拉克。 (电话铃声) 总机:哈啰,她现在好像不方便接听电话喔。你要留言吗? 来电者:是的,谢谢。我的名字是艾莉森•罗德克拉克,拼法是R-A 后面两个D,中间一横,克拉克最后有个E。可以吗? 总机:艾莉森•罗德克拉克,R-A 后面两个D,中间一横,克拉克最后有个E?来电者:是的,没有错。我和欧谢小姐约了明天下午1 点钟,但是我在想,不知道可不可以改成3 点钟?如果她可以在明天下午之前回复,我会非常感激。我的手机号码是:0772-088-2704。 总机:好的,我会把你的留言传给她。 来电者:谢谢你,再见。 总机:再见。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~5 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(E)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。 1. at the moment (A) to thank 2. appointment (B) to give a message to… 3. wonder (C) now 4. appreciate (D) to think 5. pass a message on to… (E) an arrangement to do something or meet somebody at a particular time and place 答案:1.C 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 Who is the caller talking to ? (A) Someone at a bank (B) Someone at an educational institution (C) Someone at a hospital 答案:B