《听见英国》U8L3 Introductions 初次见面的介绍

《听见英国》U8L3 Introductions 初次见面的介绍

2015-02-24    01'07''

主播: ikey

185 34

Unit 8 Work and Business 工作与社交 Listening 3 Introductions 初次见面的介绍 英语听力原文: (RRR) Simmons:Mr Thomas! Thomas:Oh,hello Mr Simmons.How are you? S:Fine,thank you.It's good to see you again.How was your flight from Singapore? T:Well,too long as always.But I arrived early yesterday afternoon,so had time to relax a little. S:Good.I hope you aren't too tired.This is our International Sales Director,Joan Goodhall.Joan,this is Mr Thomas,from our computer section in Singapore. Goodhall:It's nice to meet you,Mr Thomas. T:Pleased to meet you too,Ms Goodhall. G:Mike tells me he showed you and your family around London when you came to our overseas conference last year. T:Yes,we all had a lovely time.The kids loved it.Especially the Natural History Museum and the Tower of London.Have you ever been to Singapore? G:No,but of course,I'll be going to our trade show there this December. T:Good.I will look forward to seeing you there and hopefully,I will have a chance to show you some Asian culture. G:Well,thank you. T:And of course,you too,Mr Simmons. S:Thank you.I will look forward to it. 英语听力翻译: 西门斯:托马斯先生! 托马斯:喔,哈啰,西门斯先生。你好吗? 西门斯:很好,谢谢。很高兴再次见到你。你从新加坡飞来的航程还顺利吗? 托马斯:嗯,这段航程总是过于漫长。不过我昨天下午就到了,所以还有时间先休息一下。 西门斯:很好,希望你不会太累了。这位是我们国际业务部门的主管,乔安妮•古德侯。乔安妮,这位是托马斯先生,来自我们公司位于新加坡的计算机部门。 古德侯:很高兴认识你,托马斯先生。 托马斯:我也很高兴认识你,古德侯小姐。 古德侯:麦克跟我说,去年你来参加公司海外会议的时候,他带你和你的家人参观了一下伦敦。 托马斯:是的,我们玩得很开心,孩子们爱死了,尤其是自然博物馆和伦敦塔。你去过新加坡吗? 古德侯:没有,不过当然啦,今年12 月的贸易展我会去。 托马斯:好, 很期待到时候见到你,也希望能有这个机会带你认识亚洲文化。 古德侯:好的,谢谢你。 托马斯:当然也包括你了,西门斯先生。 西门斯:谢谢你,我很期待。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 和人打招呼的时候,可以使用下面列出的一些表达法;其中有些适合对初次见面的人使用,请在适合的用法前面打勾做记号。 ________ Hello .May I introduce Miss Brown? _________I’m Mr. Jones. _________ Hi . How are you? _________ Nice to meet you. _________ I haven’t seen you for a long time. __________ I’m a student. 答案:I'm Mr Jones./Nice to meet you./I'm a student 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 Who are the speakers? (A) Students (B) Family (C) Strangers meeting for the first time (D) Business associates 答案:D 英语听力测试任务3: 请根据对话内容,判断下面句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。 1. It is the first time Mr. Thomas and Mr. Simmons have met. (T)(F) 2. Mr. Simmons lives in Singapore. (T)(F) 3. Ms. Goodhall is a sales director. (T)(F) 4. Mr. Thomas has been to London before. (T)(F) 5. They will all meet again in Singapore next year. (T)(F) 答案:1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 英语听力测试任务4: 请根据对话内容回答问题。 1. When did Mr. Thomas arrive? A: ___________________ 1. Which section does Mr. Thomas work for ? A: _______________________________ 2. Who showed Mr. Thomas around London last year? A: _______________________________ 3. where is the next trade show? A: _______________________________ 4. When is the next trade show? A: _______________________________ 答案: 1.Early yesterday afternoon 2.Computer section 3.Mike 4.In Singapore S.This December 英语听力测试任务5: 下面是对话部分的内容, 请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分,并且按照对话内容的先后顺序,为这些句子编号。 ___________ Simmons: Mr. Thomas! ___________ Goodhall: It’s nice ___________, Mr. Thomas . ___________ S: Joan, this is Mr. Thomas. ___________ Thomas: Oh, hello, Mr. Simmons. How ___________? ___________ T: Pleased to meet you too, Ms. Goodhall. ___________S: Fine, ___________. It’s good to see ___________. 答案: 1.Simmons:Mr Thomas S.Goodhall:It's nice to meet you, Mr Thomas. 4.S:Joan,this Mr Thomas. 2.Thomas:Oh,hello,Mr Simmons.How are you? 6.T:Pleased to meet you too,Ms Goodhall. 3.S:Fine,thank you.It's good to see you again. 英语文化常识普及: 英国有很多公司采取弹性上下班的制度,员工可以自由选择希望的上下班时间,午休时间等。上班时间可以在上午7点到10做弹性调整,下班时间则是在下午4点到6点之间,午休从上午11点到下午1点,员工可以自由决定休息多久。员工也可以选择延长每日的工作时间,转换成增加每个月的休假日数。 英国的上班族到了周五,喜欢到酒吧吃午饭,所以在英国,平日中午就开始喝含酒精的饮料的状况且很常见。 在英国防大学职场中, 一般直接互称名字, 只在初次见面的场合会互相称呼对方的姓氏。