《听见英国》U8L4 Serving Food and Drink 餐饮服务

《听见英国》U8L4 Serving Food and Drink 餐饮服务

2015-02-24    00'36''

主播: ikey

231 36

Unit 8 Work and Business 工作与社交 Listening 4 Serving Food and Drink 餐饮服务 英语听力原文: Cabin Attendant:Hi,what would like to have?We've got beef,chicken and pasta. Passenger:Well...I'll have pasta,please. CA:OK,it's rather hot,so please be careful. P:Thank you. CA:Now,what would you like to drink? P:What have you got? CA:Urm,we've got diet coke,orange juice and mineral water,or there's also red wine,white wine,rose,mini bottles of whisky and... P:I'll have a white wine,please. CA:Here you are. P:Thank you. 英语听力翻译: 空服员:嗨,您要用点什么?我们有牛肉,鸡肉和意大利面。 乘客:嗯......我要意大利面,谢谢。 空服员:好的,有点烫,请小心。 乘客:谢谢。 空服员:那么您要喝点什么呢? 乘客:你们有什么? 空服员:呃,我们有健怡可乐,柳橙汁、矿泉水,或者也可以选择红酒,白酒,玫瑰红酒,小瓶威士忌,还有...... 乘客:我要白酒,谢谢。 空服员:请用。 乘客:谢谢。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~4所列出的单字和句型,请从(A)~(E)中选一个出意思最接近的选项。 1. pasta (A) a popular Italian food 2. rather (B) very 3. rosé (C) a phrase used when receiving something 4. Here you are. (D) a type of wine (E) a phrase used when handing something to someone 答案:1.A 2.B 3.D 4.E 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容,从下面两幅图画中,选出一个符合下面问题的答案。 Where is this conversation being held? 答案:B 英语听力测试任务3: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 1. As for food, what is NOT available? (A) Duck (B) Pasta (C) Chicken 2. What would the man like to have? (A) Beef (B) Pasta (C) Chicken 3. What is NOT served hot? (A) Pasta (B) All dishes (C) Not stated in the conversation 4. As for drink, what is NOT available? (A) Diet coke (B) Wine (C) Woolong tea 5. What would the man like to have? (A) Rosé (B) Wine (C) Whisky 答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 英语听力测试任务4: 根据对话中供应食物和饮料的顺序,下面哪一个选项是正确的? 答案:C 英语听力测试任务5: 下面是对话部分的内容, 请再听一次对话,在空格内填入遗漏的部分。 Cabin Attendant: Hi, what would you like to ____________? We’ve got _____________, __________and ____________________. Passenger: Well… I’ll have _______, please. CA: Ok, it’s rather hot, so please be _______________. P: Thank you. CA: Now, what would you like to _______________? P: What have you got? CA: Urm, we’ve got diet_________, and ________________ water, or there’s also red wine, white wine, _____________________ , mini bottles of _______________and… 答案:Have beef chicken pasta pasta careful drink coke orange juice mineral rose whisky