电子情书- Love Vitually #5

电子情书- Love Vitually #5

2015-08-25    07'29''

主播: ikey

252 28

Leo, it‘s after midnight but I can’t sleep. I need to tell you something. I think we should stop. I’m beginning to get addicted to you and I can‘t spend my days waiting for Emails from a man who turns his back on me when he meets me, who doesn’t want to get to know me. I can‘t go on like this. Do you understand me Leo? I think you are looking for something. Let‘s call it "adventure". Am I right? Leo, I’m not looking for adventure with you. I want to see who you are. That‘s all. Do you want to meet me? Last night, I had a vivid dream about you Emmi. Really? That’s happened to me too. I mean, I‘ve had vivid dreams about you. But what exactly do you mean by "vivid"? Was it erotic? Widely erotic. I want details. What do we do? What was my face like? I didn‘t really register your face. I mean, I didn’t see your face, or breasts, or any other part of your body. I just felt it all. If you didn’t see me, how can you tell that I was the woman you were blindly groping? Because there is only one woman who expresses herself like you do. And that‘s you. Leo let‘s meet up. Bernard’s taking the children on a walking holiday this week. Let’s not miss out on this opportunity, please. What have we got to lose? March 15th, 2011, 10:03 p.m. Subject: What we could lose. One, you. Two, me. Three, us. Good night Emmi. I’m sorry I am how I am. Night, Leo. Dream of me. And perhaps take a look at me while you are at it. March 21st, 2011 07:53 a.m. Subject: You. Dear Leo, I haven‘t heard from in nearly a week. I’m beginning to get worried about you. Or if this is what you call tactics? Pretty rubbish I must say. I‘m not writing to you anymore. See ya. Emmi April 2nd, 2011, 09:56 a.m. Subject: Let‘s meet. Emmi, do you still want to? When? Today? Tomorrow? Day after tomorrow? Hark at him! Back from the dead eh? Well, maybe I will meet you. But first you are going to have to explain why you haven’t been in touch for so long, and it’d better be good. My mother died. Is that good enough? Shit. Are you being serious? How? In hospital they call it malignant tumor. It all happened pretty fast. She wasn‘t in pain for long. Were you close? I‘m sorry Leo. People always seem to ask the same questions. A week ago I would have said no, not really. Today though, I’m wondering what it is I’m missing if it‘s not closeness. But I don‘t want to bore you with this Emmi. You are not boring me, Leo. Do you want to meet up and talk about it? I might be just the right person, in a way. Okay, let’s. Thank you Emmi. Shall we meet after work tonight? Dear dear Leo, I can‘t tonight. How about tomorrow, around seven? The funeral’s tomorrow. But seven p.m. should be fine. I will Email you and we can arrange where, okay? Despite the awful circumstances, I‘m looking forward to seeing you. I&`&m looking forward to it too. Hello, Leo? It’s gone six p.m. I haven‘t heard from you so ... I guess we are not meeting. Emmi Good morning, dear Emmi. I’m so sorry. I spent yesterday evening with Marlina, my ex-girlfriend. She was at the funeral. She really liked my mother and vice versa. She was in a bit of a state, worse than me really, and I had to console her. Please don&`&t be angry with me for standing you up. I hope you understand. And thank you again for your support. Love, Leo That‘s okay. Best wishes, E. Emmi, have I seriously offended you? No, not at all. Sorry, just really busy. I don&`&t believe you. I know you Emmi. The very idea I might have offended you is giving me a bad conscience. Don’t beat about the bush Leo. Have you got something going on with Marlina again? Did you manage to "console" her? Oh, so that‘s it. Leo dares to meet up with his ex-girlfriend at his mother‘s funeral, right? Well, I admit to you, that six hours after having buried my mother, I did come with an a hair’s breath of sleeping with my ex-girlfriend. I hope you are suitably shocked. Now I have to do some extra work here. Have a nice day. Dear Leo, A man with your sensitivity should know that a woman with my sensitivities would feel solely rejected /in favour of a last-minute ex-girlfriend has a breath near sexual experience. Yes indeed, Leo, I feel I&`&ve been horribly rejected by you. I’m not just "anybody". Yours repectfully, Emmi Dear Emmi, You are not just "anybody", not to me at any rate. But we must not start intruding into each other‘s private life. You cannot become my conscience. As it is you are already like a second voice inside me, accompanying me through the day. I’m so grateful to you for your wit, your charm, for your spirit. But think, if we had met the other night, all the secrets would be gone, the puzzle solved. No more magic. Emmi I&`&m afraid, afraid of losing my second voice. I want to keep it. I want to treat it with care. Yours, Leo You say "we must not intrude into each other‘s private life", what are we doing here, the things we are talking about, the way we feel? We are already in each other&`&s prvate lives. Good night. Emmi Are you in bed yet? I hardly ever go to bed before you. Don’t go to bed yet, Emmi. I‘m still awake. Come to me, Emmi. Let’s meet. Just to have a drink. I will only put my hand on your shoulders. I promise. Just a hug, just a kiss, just a few kisses. No more. You are married, unfortunately. Emmi I need to know what you smell like. I need your smell in my nose. I’m being serious Emmi, come over to my place. I’m at 64 Daniel‘s Avenue. Come over. I‘ll even close my eyes. I don’t need to know what you look like. I just need to smell, kiss and feel you‘re very close. Night night Leo. I can’t come over now. But it‘s good to be with you. I could get to used to it. I have got used to it. I don&`&t know if it‘s cheating. All I know is that I need you, Leo. I think of you all the time and I need you, very badly. I’m off now. I will be in touch again tomorrow.