电子情书- Love Virtually #4 重录:(

电子情书- Love Virtually #4 重录:(

2015-08-24    06'49''

主播: ikey

379 25

上一次的录的时候还不觉得,太着急了,录完就去了旅游,回来一听感觉语气是想把Leo吃了... Leo, were you there?! Did you go to the Cafe? Answer me! Of course I did. Shit. I was afraid of that. Every man who could have conceivably being you was a total no-no, to look at I mean. Seriously, were you really there today, not hidden away in the loos or watching from across the road, but actually in the Cafe? Tell me you weren&`&t that stalky fellow at the bar with all-over body hair that look like a Brillo Pad(a trade name for a scouring pad, used for cleaning dishes). Emmi, not offending people is not one of your strengthes you know. It&`&s clear that looks are your highest priority. Let me reassure you that the hairy beast at the bar was not me. But go on, who else might I have been? And if I&`&m one of the no-nos, is that a signal of the end of our Emails? No, Leo, we can go on Emailing each other with abandon(crazily without caring of other things). The fact is, I didn‘t see a single man at the Cafe today that I thought could be as exciting as the way you write to me. Really? Not one? Perhaps you just missed me. Sadly I don‘t think I’ve overlooked any one. Okay, there was one interesting-looking guy, maybe the only one, standing with one of those leggy-blonde-model-types at the bar towards the back on the right. But they were holding hands and he only had eyes for her. So who else was there? A bunch of allotment enthusiasts and men who collected beer mats? Or dull chaps in dark suits? Not one charismatic(charming) man to be seen. So where was my Leo Leike? Without wishing to sound arrogant my dear Emmi, I knew that you wouldn&`&t indentify me. Which one were you Leo? TELL ME! Let’s talk again tomorrow, Emmi. By the way, just a minor observation, we haven&`&t talked about you at all. Lots of love. Yours, Leo What? You can‘t just go like that. Leo, you can’t do this to me. WRITE BACK, NOW, please! I‘ve got it. I’ve just woken up in a cold sweat. I‘ve worked it out! You, were a waiter! You know the guy who runs the place so he let you pretend to be a waiter for a few hours, am I right? You stitched me up Leo. Good morning Emmi. That&`&s pretty harsh. I was not a waitor. I was not a delivery man, or a kitchen potter, or a policeman outside, or a loo attendant. I was plain old Leo, a customer, in Cafe Huber between 3 to 5 on Sunday afternoon. Too bad, dear Emmi Looks-Are-Everything Rothner, I suggest we talk about you instead for a bit. I aware a remarkbly large number of interesting women in that Cafe between 3 and 5 who might have been my Emmi Rothner. But, here are the top three candidates. First, the prototype. She was standing at the bar, fourth from the left, fatite, short-dark hair, just under forty, nervous, twirling her whisky in her glass, funky dress sense, green shoes, that appeared to be a size five. Face, beautiful. Type, boisterous, temperamental. In short, a classic Emmi Rothner type. The second, was the althernative type, the blonde Emmi. Very confident, blonde, strangling-long hair. Around thirty-five, long legs. Tight black T-shirt and large breasts, if I may make such an observation. Face, beautiful. Type: self-confident, cool. Last but not least, the surprise Emmi, the anti-type. Kept wandering around the Cafe, stood at the bar a couple of times. Large arm and eyes, shoulder-length brown hair, layer at the front. Slim. Wonderful black and yellow trousers, and wearing a distinctive chuncky wedding ring. Face, beautiful. Type, sensual, diffident, and because of all this, maybe Emmi Rothner. Now, if you concede that you are one my three Emmi candidates, I will give you a clue about whom I may have been. Love, Leo Okay, Leo. But you give me your clue first, and then I will tell you if you are right that I’ one of that trio. Do you have brothers or sisters? Yes, an older sister who lives in Switzerland. Why? That was a clue, Emmi! And by the way, I’ve got an older brother and a younger sister. I‘m very close to my sister Andrean. We tell each other everything. Now you have your clue, Emmi, you‘ll have to work it out. So, were you one of my three Emmis? Leo, that’s too cryptic. Please give me one more hint, and then I will tell you. My sister is tall and blonde. Okay. That’s nice, whatever. I give up. And dear Leo, my people-watcher, I am one of those three. I am amazed you could find three such different women so attractive all at the same time. But that‘s man for you. I hope you have a pleasant evening. I‘m going to take a Leo break. I have more essential matters to attend to. Bye for now. Emmi. Just then you were totally Emmi Number One. Hello? Emmi? Clue Again! My sister is a model. Good night. March 14th, 2011, 08:15 a.m. Subject: NO WAY. Dear Leo, You are kidding! You mean the blonde vamp standing at the bar with her boyfriend? How did you describe me? The only interesting guy who was standing with one of those leggy blonde model-types at the bar. I wouldn’t get too excited sweet heart. I just thought to myself, anyone who‘s with a woman like that must be an interesting guy. All I know about you is that you are fairly tall, fairly slim, fairly young, fairly well-dressed. I glanced at you only very briefly. And I don’t have a clue what you look like either my dear. I spent the whole times standing with my back to the room while Andrean picked out candidates and described them from her perspective. Hence all the hair and fashion details. I didn‘t see a thing with my own eyes. Yours, Leo