【英文原版书阅读计划】——<.The little prince >Chapter 10(上)

【英文原版书阅读计划】——<.The little prince >Chapter 10(上)

2017-03-27    07'40''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

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The fifth planet was very strange. 第五颗行星非常奇怪, It was the smallest of all. 是这些星星中最小的一颗。 There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter. 行星上刚好能容得下一盏路灯和一个点路灯的人。 The little prince was not able to reach any explanation of the use of a street lamp and a lamplighter, 小王子怎么也解释不通,要一盏路灯和一个点灯的人做什么用, somewhere in the heavens, on a planet which had no people, and not one house. 这个坐落在天空某一角落,既没有房屋又没有居民的行星上。 But he said to himself, nevertheless, It may well be that this man is absurd. 但他自己猜想,可能这个人思想不正常。 But he is not so absurd as the king,the conceited2 man, the businessman, and the tippler. 但他比起国王,比起那个爱虚荣的人,那个实业家和酒鬼,却要好些。 For at least his work has some meaning. 至少他的工作还有点意义。 When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower. 当他点着了他的路灯时,就象他增添了一颗星星,或是一朵花。 When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep. 当他熄灭了路灯时,就象让星星或花朵睡着了似的。 That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful. 这差事真美妙,就是真正有用的了。 When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted3 the lamplighter. 小王子一到了这个行星上,就很尊敬地向点路灯的人打招呼. Good morning. Why have you just put out your lamp? 早上好。你刚才为什么把路灯灭了呢? "Those are the orders," replied the lamplighter. "Good morning." “早上好。这是命令。”点灯的回答道。 What are the orders? 命令是什么? The orders are that I put out my lamp. Good evening. 就是熄掉我的路灯。晚上好。 And he lighted his lamp again. 于是他又点燃了路灯。 But why have you just lighted it again? 那么为什么你又把它点着了呢? "Those are the orders," replied the lamp lighter1. “这是命令。”点灯的人回答道。 "I do not understand," said the little prince. “我不明白。”小王子说。 "There is nothing to understand," said the lamplighter."Orders are orders. Good morning." “没什么要明白的。命令就是命令。”点灯的回答说。“早上好。” And he put out his lamp. 于是他又熄灭了路灯。