

2020-10-29    20'08''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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Can Books Compete With Netflix? Yes, and Here’s Why 书能拼过网飞吗?当然,原因如下 By Haley Velasco In a normal year, Dayna Reber would finish reading around three books. Thanks to the way Covid-19 has upended her daily routine, however, Ms. Reber has polished off 46 volumes so far in 2020. 黛娜·雷柏通常一年阅读约三本书,然而由于新冠疫情打乱了她的日常生活,自2020年以来,她已迅速读完了46本书。 For Ms. Reber and others, lockdown has reignited an enthusiasm for reading, both as nourishing time-filler when stuck at home and as a trusty escape. 对于雷柏女士和其他人来说,封城重燃了人们的阅读热情,因为阅读既是被困在家时滋养心灵的消遣,也是逃离现实的可靠避风港。 If binge-reading hasn’t fully supplanted binge-watching Netflix shows quite yet, the trend is certainly making strides. In August 2020, year-over-year sales of print books in the U.S. were up 13%, according to NPD BookScan. Publishers also report a notable increase in purchases of e-books, as well as all books about politics or related to civil rights, racism and diversity. 纵使痴迷阅读还没完全取代在网飞疯狂刷剧,但这种趋势显然势不可挡。NPD图书调查研究公司发布的数据显示,2020年8月美国纸质书销量同比增长13%。出版商发布的报告还显示,同样有显著增长的还有电子书销量,以及所有与政治、民权、种族和多样性等题材相关的书籍。 Independent booksellers, as well as publishers and authors, deserve considerable credit for fueling the page-turning trend. When statewide lockdowns shut the doors on many bricks-and-mortar bookshops, and publishers could no longer promote new releases via in-person readings, the book business rewrote the rules of engagement. 独立书店、出版商以及作者都在引领纸质书阅读的浪潮中功不可没。各州下达封城令迫使许多实体书店关门,出版商不再能通过让读者线下试读的方式来推广新书,图书业的互动规则已被重写。 Beyond the bookstore, the literati are plunging into the virtual world. Authors now debut their novels via Instagram Live. Book clubs via Zoom and Facebook are going strong. Publishing conventions are moving online, and swapping sites—where you trade used books with strangers—are more active than ever. 书店之外,文人学士也纷纷投身虚拟世界。作家们在Instagram直播自己的小说首发;Zoom和Facebook的线上读者俱乐部日益壮大;新书发行会逐步转到线上;与陌生人交易二手书的物品交换网站也比以往更加活跃。