

2020-10-21    09'43''

主播: Pei你慢成长

415 2

Why you should read this out loud 为什么我们要大声朗读 By Sophie Hardach For much of history, reading was a fairly noisy activity. On clay tablets written in ancient Iraq and Syria some 4,000 years ago, the commonly used words for “to read” literally meant “to cry out” or “to listen”. 在历史上大部分时期,“看书”都是一项相当喧闹的活动。在约4000年前古伊拉克和叙利亚的泥板文献上,常用字面意思是“大叫“或“聆听”的词来表达“阅读”。 Today, silent reading is the norm. The majority of us bottle the words in our heads as if sitting in the hushed confines of a library. Reading out loud is largely reserved for bedtime stories and performances. 如今,默读才是常态。大多数人把文字灌入脑中,仿佛端坐在安静的图书馆。人们大多仅在讲睡前故事和表演时才读出声音。 But a growing body of research suggests that we may be missing out by reading only with the voices inside our minds. The ancient art of reading aloud has a number of benefits for adults, from helping improve our memories and understand complex texts, to strengthening emotional bonds between people. 但越来越多的研究表明,如果我们仅在心里默读,也许会错过些什么。古老的朗读技艺对成年人益处良多,例如提高记忆力,理解复杂的文章,以及增强人与人之间的情感纽带。 Colin MacLeod, a psychologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada, has extensively researched the impact of reading aloud on memory. He and his collaborators have shown that people consistently remember words and texts better if they read them aloud than if they read them silently. 加拿大滑铁卢大学的心理学家科林·麦克劳德广泛研究了朗读对记忆力的影响。他与合作者们共同证明,如果人们把单词和文章朗读出来,会比默读时记忆更深刻。 In another study, adults aged 67 to 88 were given the same task – reading words either silently or aloud – before then writing down all those they could remember. They were able to recall 27% of the words they had read aloud, but only 10% of those they’d read silently. 在另一项研究中,给67至88岁的人发布同一项任务:朗读或默读单词,然后写下能记住的内容。朗读者能回想起27%的单词,而默读者仅能记起10%。