

2020-10-21    18'13''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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相比美国人,为何欧洲人更懂得与狗狗相处? 人们常说,狗是人类最好的朋友。但本文作者发现,欧洲和美国家庭的宠物狗性情还不太相同,往往更平和、自在,更受欢迎。那么欧洲的养狗文化有哪些值得借鉴之处呢?一起来听今天的讲解。 文本难度:CSE 6 CSE的全称是Chinese Standard of English,即“中国英语能力等级量表”,是教育部推出的专门针对中国英语学习者的能力评价标准,共分九级。比如,CSE五级对应雅思总成绩5.5分,CSE六级对应雅思总成绩6分,CSE七级对应雅思总成绩7分,以此类推。 What We Can Learn From European Dog Culture By Sassafras Lowrey 我们能从欧洲的养狗文化中学到什么? In Europe dogs tend to be welcome in most public spaces and they are calm, relaxed and quiet there. In the United States, however, pet dogs aren’t welcome in most public spaces, and often struggle in the public places where they are allowed. 在欧洲,狗在大多数公共场所都是受欢迎的,它们平和、自在且安静。而在美国,多数公共场所都不欢迎宠物狗,就算在一些允许其入内的地方,宠物狗也不受待见。 Dogs are dogs no matter where they are born. But our behavior has a lot to do with why our dogs might have more behavioral challenges, and there’s something we can do about it. 不论生在哪儿,狗还是狗。但狗狗为什么会遇到更多行为上的挑战,与我们的举止有很大关系。对此,我们能做这些事。 Give your dog some space. Your dog might like you and your family, might even like your friends, but that doesn’t mean he or she wants every stranger to run up and give a hug. 给你的狗狗一些空间。你的狗可能会喜欢你和你的家人,甚至是你的朋友,但这并不代表它希望每个陌生人跑过来抱它。 Zazie Todd, a professional dog trainer, said that “people tend to assume that dogs are sociable and friendly, and don’t necessarily consider if a dog wants affection from them at a particular moment in time.” 专业训犬师扎吉·托德说:“人们倾向于认为狗狗都是善于交际而友好的,并不一定会考虑它们在某个特定时刻是否想要和人类亲近。” Dog training takes time, and dogs learn best when we use positive reward-based training methods that gently help and encourage dogs by rewarding good behavior. 训练狗狗需要时间,而当我们采用基于积极奖励的训练方法,通过奖励良好行为来温柔地帮助并鼓励狗狗时,狗狗的学习效果最好。 No matter where we live, we can all be a little more thoughtful about how we engage with the pups we encounter. If you have a dog, you can help your pup out by being its advocate and reminding people you encounter your dog isn’t a walking stuffed animal. 不管生活在哪里,我们都应该稍微多思考一下如何与遇到的小狗相处。如果你养狗,你可以这样助它摆脱困境:支持它,并提醒遇到的人你的狗狗不是一只行走的毛绒玩具。