

2020-11-09    25'48''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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最高法院大法官的“补位”之争 今日导读 2016年 1月,米国联邦最高法院大法官斯卡利亚辞世,留下职位空缺。当时共和党人以正值“大选年”为由,拒绝了时任民主党 总统奥巴马提名的大法官人选,主张应等待新任总统提名大法官。 转眼四年过去,类似情形如今再次出现,共和党总统特朗普却赶在大选前成功任命了一位保守派大法官——艾米·科尼·巴雷特。此时,最高法院的人员变动有着怎样的政治意义?联邦法院也会成为政治的角斗场吗? 带着问题听讲解 单词 deliver 在文中是什么意思? 如何理解 stare down 这个短语? 根据文章,新一任大法官将为最高法院带来怎样的变化? 正文 Senate confirms Barrett, delivering for Trump and reshaping the Court 参议院确认巴雷特提名通过,川普得“利好” ,最高院迎变局 Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative appeals court judge, was confirmed on Monday to the Supreme Court, capping a lightning-fast Senate approval that handed President Donald Trump a victory before the election and promised to tip the court to the right for years to come. 周一,经参议院火速批准,上诉法院保守派法官艾米·科尼·巴雷特确认就任最高法院大法官。这让川普在大选前赢得一局,也预示着未来最高法院的天平将会向右倾斜。 Inside a Capitol mostly emptied by the resurgent coronavirus pandemic, Republicans overcame unanimous Democratic opposition to make Barrett the 115th justice of the Supreme Court and the fifthwoman. 由于新冠疫情再度来袭,国会大厦内空空荡荡。在此举行的任命投票中,共和党战胜了集体反对的民主党,让巴雷特成为了第 115 位最高法院大法官,也是第 5 位女性大法官。 It was the first time in 151 years that a justice was confirmed without the support of a single member of the minority party, a sign of how bitter Washington's war over judicial nominations has become. 这是 151 年来首次有大法官在少数党内无一人支持的情况下就任,而这显示了美国政府内围绕司法提名的斗争是何等激烈。 The vote concluded a brazen drive by Republicans to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg just six weeks before the election. They shredded their own past pronouncements and bypassed rules in the process, even as they stared down the potential loss of the White House and the Senate. 在距离大选仅六周之际,大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格的去世留下了职位空缺;共和党借此次大法官任命投票完成了一番厚颜无耻 的操作。直面白宫和参议院可能不保的威胁,他们出尔反尔、无视规则。 Barrett pledged during her confirmation hearings to be an independent mind. But she is widely viewed by both parties as a judge who would rule consistently in favor of conservative positions. 巴雷特在任命听证会上承诺,她将坚守司法独立。然而,两党普遍认为,作为法官,她将始终支持保守派的立场。 Barrett, 48, was Trump's third nominee to the Supreme Court, but arrayed beneath her were 162 new district court judges and 53 appeals court judges who have been installed by Republicans over the past four years, roughly a third of the entire federal appellate bench. Together, they could hold broad sway over American law and policy long after Trump leaves office.