

2021-01-04    22'41''

主播: Pei你慢成长

288 3

2020被很多人称为史上最糟糕的一年,它被疫情、隔离、封城、贸易战、熔断等自带消极的词蒙上了一层阴影。然而,许多人还是用自己的方式找到了治愈之路。有人通过学习提升自己,有人培养兴趣转移注意力,而我们今天这篇文章的主人公则是依靠登山获得了心灵的慰藉。2021年,人们如何从疫情的阴霾下走出悲伤?人的治愈能力究竟可以有多强?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  The 48 Mountains That Held My Grief  那48座山峰寄托了我的悲伤  By Carrie Thompson  My son, Ben, 23 when he died, was always most at home when he was outside. The year after his death, I hiked 48 of the state’s tallest mountains in his memory. Every step, trail and summit — whether socked in or wide open — has been a way to heal.  我的儿子Ben离世的时候只有23岁,他生前是个喜欢户外活动的人,在户外甚至要比在家里还自在。在他离世后的那一年,我徒步穿越了新罕布什尔州最高的48座山峰,以此来纪念他。每一步,每一条小道,每一个山顶,无论是跌跌撞撞,还是一路坦途,都是治愈之路。  About a month after his death, my husband and I hiked Carter Dome and Mount Hight, grief weighing heavy in our hearts and legs. Standing on the summit, I looked out across the mountains my son loved. For a moment, the magnitude of Ben’s death faded into the timeless expanse, and I could breathe.  大概在Ben离世后一个月,我和丈夫去了卡特穹顶和蒙特高山,丧子之痛让我们心情压抑,步伐沉重。站在山顶,我望向那些儿子曾热爱的山峰。一时间,Ben离世所带来的沉重打击,逐渐消解在了永恒的浩瀚当中,我仿佛终于喘了一口气。  The next weekend found us on Mount Moosilauke. Then Mount Cannon, Mount Flume, Mount Liberty and so on. Hiking the 4Ks became a series of firsts, of struggles and overcoming them — navigating at night, climbing slides and rock scrambles, camping solo, finding trails and planning routes.  接下来的一周,我们去爬了穆西劳克山,然后又去了炮台山、激流山、自由山……登上这些海拔4千多英尺(约等于1200米)高的山峰造就了我的很多第一次,第一次遭遇这么多艰难险阻,也第一次克服它们。比如说在黑夜中寻找方向,翻越滑石和山岩,独自露营,寻觅山间小路,以及设计线路。  Six days before the anniversary of Ben’s death, I hiked my 48th and final peak: Mount Carrigain. As I stood on the observation platform at the summit and sobbed, I found the essential truth I had been grasping to express for months: The only place that feels vast enough to hold grief this deep and wide is the top of a mountain, looking out into forever.  在距离Ben的一周年祭还有六天的时候,我终于登上了第48座山峰,也就是最后一座顶峰卡里根山。我站在山顶的观景台,止不住地抽泣,此时,我找到了这几个月以来我一直苦于不知如何表达的真理:唯一能广阔到可以寄托悲之深痛之辽的地方就是山顶,一个可以望向永恒的地方。  These days, I hike not to hide, but to seek. I find Ben, but I also find myself: someone broken, now reassembling into someone braver and more capable. The forced isolation of grief becomes the welcome solitude of the trail; the peace of nature replaces the pain of loss. Hiking is both exhausting and exhilarating, and it teaches us that grief and joy can coexist.  现在,我徒步不再是为了逃避,而是为了寻觅。我找了Ben,也找到了我自己:一个破碎的,但正在经历重组的,更勇敢、更有承受能力的自己。曾经,悲伤让我感到孤立,如今,我享受这一路上的独处;大自然的平静,也取代了失去所带来的苦痛之感。徒步是一件令人既疲惫又兴奋的事,它让我们明白,悲伤和欢乐也可以共存。  The internal journey of grief blends with our steps, and we find solace along the way.  在路上,我们开启与悲伤和解的内心之旅,找到心灵的慰藉。