

2021-01-06    25'59''

主播: Pei你慢成长

65 1

新冠疫情期间,英国整容需求大幅增加,这背后的原因竟然是频繁的视频会议。人们从屏幕上看到自己的“禁足脸”,于是产生了“改善”外貌的想法。那么,整容需求的增长究竟反映了人们怎样的心态?最受欢迎的整容项目又是什么呢?一起进入今天的讲解。  英文原文  'Lockdown Face' fears drive 'Zoom boom' in UK cosmetic surgery requests  恐惧“禁足脸”,视频通话刺激英国整容需求  By Gill Plimmer  Fears about "Lockdown Face" during videoconferences have driven a "Zoom boom" in requests for cosmetic surgery and body "tweakments" since the pandemic struck the UK, according to fresh research and providers.  根据最新研究和整容机构的说法,自从新冠大流行在英国爆发以来,由于人们担忧视频会议中自己的“禁足脸”形象,Zoom视频通话引发了整容手术和身体“微调”需求的激增。  The lockdown in March put most treatment on hold but there has been a surge in consultation requests as people sought to improve their appearance after looking at themselves on screens, said LaingBuisson, a healthcare data specialist that advises the Office for National Statistics.  为国家统计局提供专业建议的医疗数据机构LaingBuisson表示,3月(2020年)实行的封锁措施致使大多数医疗整容遭到搁置,但由于人们在屏幕上看到自己后希望提升形象,相关的咨询需求在短期内大幅度提高。  "The use of video calling has apparently triggered significant interest and demand for those wishing to 'polish' their appearance," said Liz Heath, author of the LaingBuisson report. "While this could be related to personal vanity, it is for some people also an important feature of their career and professional development."  LaingBuisson报告的作者利茲•希思表示:“很明显,在那些希望‘美化’外形的人当中,视频通话激起了巨大的兴趣和需求。虽然这可能与他们个人的虚荣相关,但是对于一些人来说,这对他们的职业生涯和专业发展也是至关重要的一点。”  Ms Heath said most surgeries had reported a "significant" increase in demand, with some surgeries seeing a fivefold rise in requests for surgery compared with last year.  希思表示,多数诊所都报告需求“显著”增加,有些机构的手术需求是去年的五倍。  Breast enlargement remains the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure, followed by tummy tucks and liposuction, although hair implants are growing in popularity, the report said.  报告显示,虽然植发手术越来越受欢迎,但最受欢迎的项目依然是丰胸手术,紧随其后的是腹部整形和抽脂手术。  The Zoom boom will come as a relief to cosmetic surgery providers, which had seen the market stall over the previous five years. The biggest growth has been in the £3bn market for "tweakments" — smaller non-clinical procedures — which may have depressed demand for cosmetic surgery.  在过去五年中,整容市场陷入了停滞状态,这一波视频通话带来的热潮让整容机构松了一口气。最大的增长来自价值30亿英镑的“微整形”市场,即小型非临床手术,这可能抑制了人们对整容手术的需求。