

2021-02-09    24'33''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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美国“韭菜”vs华尔街:又一场网民起义? 难度:CSE9 课程导读  最近,让许多吃瓜群众津津乐道的新闻之一,恐怕要数在美股市场上演的“美国韭菜对战华尔街”这场大戏了。一家老掉牙的卖游戏的公司,忽然成为全美国最热的投资对象,股价从1月份的十几美元,飙升到现在的300多美元。驱动这波股价飙升的,是一向被戏称为“韭菜”的美国普通股民,他们在互联网上集结抱团狙击做空机构,打得华尔街的资本大鳄措手不及。这件事的开端是怎样的?事件背后有怎样的社会趋势?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  The GameStop Reckoning Was a Long Time Coming  由GameStop引发的华尔街讨伐战姗姗来迟  By Kevin Roose  This week, the biggest story in the financial markets is the absurdist, pretty-sure-I-hallucinated-it drama involving GameStop, a struggling video-game retailer that became the rope in a high-stakes tug of war between Wall Street suits and a crusading internet mob.  本周,金融市场最大的“瓜”当属GameStop的新闻了,这是一个荒诞不经的、让人疑似幻觉的戏剧性事件。GameStop是一家挣扎求存的视频游戏零售商,现在变成了西装笔挺的华尔街金融精英和一群如十字军般充满热血的网民之间豪赌拔河赛的绳索。  The simplest explanation for what happened is that a bunch of hyper-online mischief-makers in Reddit’s r/WallStreetBets forum decided it would be funny and righteous to execute a “short squeeze” by pushing up the price of GameStop’s stock, entrapping the big-money hedge funds that had bet against it.  所以发生了什么?最简单的解释就是,在Reddit网站的子板块r/WallStreetBets上,一群超级在线恶作剧制造者决定推高GameStop的股票价格来“轧空”,诱使那些下注的大型对冲基金落入圈套,他们觉得这件事既有趣又正义。  The strategy worked. Within two days, GameStop was the most heavily traded stock in the world. One of the hedge funds that had shorted GameStop’s stock, Melvin Capital, had to get a $2.75 billion bailout from two other investors after it was hammered with huge losses.  他们成功了。不到两天,GameStop就成为全球交易量最大的股票。其中一家做空GameStop股票的对冲基金梅尔文资本(Melvin Capital)在遭遇巨额亏损后,不得不向另外两家投资机构寻求27.5亿美元的救助资金。  This kind of populist revolt — internet-based insurgents gleefully pulling down the pants of the unsuspecting establishment — has been happening for years, to many powerful institutions.  这种民粹主义反抗——以互联网为根据地的叛乱分子,趁***没有防备之时近乎狂欢地扒下他们的裤子——多年来在很多强大的机构身上都发生过。  While watching the GameStop drama, I’ve been reflecting on what the author Martin Gurri calls “the revolt of the public.” Mr. Gurri writes that the internet has empowered ordinary citizens by giving them new information and tools, which they then use to discover the flaws in the systems and institutions that govern their lives. Once they’ve discovered these shortcomings, he writes, these citizens often rebel, tearing down elites and dominant institutions out of anger at having been lied to and withheld from.  在旁观GameStop这场大戏的同时, 我一直在思考作者马丁 · 古里所说的 “公众的反抗”。古里写道,互联网赋予了普通公民权力,让他们能够接触新的信息和工具。有了这些信息和工具,他们发现,管理他们生活的制度和机构是存在缺陷的。一旦发现了这些缺陷,他们往往会反抗,出于被欺骗和被隐瞒的愤怒去推翻精英和占主导地位的机构。  勘误:肖老师在讲解过程中有两处口误:13分02秒和 14分07秒两处肖老师所提到的“期货”均修改为“期权”。