影视沙龙——爱在黎明破晓前Before Sunrise

影视沙龙——爱在黎明破晓前Before Sunrise

2017-04-12    22'56''

主播: 湖南中医药大学CEC电台

157 3

"I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. " "我喜欢我望向别处时,他望向我的目光 。" 《爱在黎明破晓时》是由理查德·林克莱特指导的一部爱情片,并由伊桑·霍克和朱莉·德尔佩主演。 美国青年杰西在开往维也纳的火车上,认识了法国学生塞利娜,两人一见钟情。 Delusion Angel -By David Jewell Daydream delusion 是白日梦般的错觉罢 Limousine Eyelash 豪华车竟有了睫毛 Oh, baby with your pretty face 噢,亲爱的,顺着你美丽的脸颊 Drop a tear in my wineglass 我的酒杯里注入你一滴清泪 Look at those big eyes 凝视你纯净的双眸 See what you mean to me 了然你对于我的意义 Sweet cakes and milkshakes 大概就像蛋糕配奶昔 I am a delusioned angel 我像那恍惚中的天使 I am a fantasy parade. 在梦幻中游弋飘荡 I want you to know what I think 我想让你知我所想 Don't want you to guess anymore. 不愿让你再有所猜疑 You have no idea where I came from. 你不知道我来自何方 We have no idea where we're going. 我们也不知该前往何处 Launched in life. 但只管拥抱生活吧 Like branches in the river. 就像溪流终要汇入江河 Flowing downstream. Caught in the current. 迤逦而下 随波逐流 I'll carry you. You'll carry me. 我载着你 你载着我 That's how it could be. 这是命中注定 Don't you know me   可知我心? Don't you know me by now. 终知我心 ❤
上一期: 圣彼得堡
下一期: 原味书屋——诗人与诗