第17期:Best Things about Being Disabled

第17期:Best Things about Being Disabled

2014-12-09    01'03''

主播: FM715925

7345 1519

Before I start this list, I would like everyone to know that 在开始列举下面的内容之前,我想告诉大家, I am not making fun of or minimizing the difficulties of being disabled. 我并不是在取笑残疾人士或轻视残疾带来的困难。 I am disabled, so I have freedom to talk about this. 我自己就有残疾,因此可以自由地讨论这个话题。 Remember, laughter makes everything easier … 记住,笑一笑,万事易 except maybe eating with your mouth closed. ——不过你闭着嘴吃东西的时候恐怕要除外。 #6. People are nice (in general). No.6 (大体上)人人友好和善 Our dog got out of the back yard and knocked over a little neighborhood girl. 一次我家的狗窜出后院,将邻家的小女孩撞倒在地。 When the mom came over to yell at us and I came to the door in my wheelchair, 女孩的妈妈跑过来冲我家大吼,等我坐着轮椅来到门口时, she blushed and started explaining that she just wanted to make sure that 她涨红了脸,开始辩解说她只想确保我们家的狗不是凶狗, the dog wasn’t mean and her kids didn’t need to fear it … 她的小孩不用害怕…… Now, I don’t recommend letting your dogs out to terrorize the neighborhood, 在这里,我并不建议各位放狗出去吓唬邻居, but I do not think she would have had the same attitude if I had not been in a wheelchair. 但我觉得,要不是我坐着轮椅,女孩的妈妈就不会是这样的态度了。