NO.19  小故事:萨马拉之约

NO.19 小故事:萨马拉之约

2017-01-13    02'14''

主播: Tina.Shen

1249 18

《神探夏洛克》第四季第一集里 商人和死神的故事:萨马拉之约 There was once a merchant ,in the famous market at Baghdad. One day he saw a stranger looking at him in surprise and he knew that the stranger was Death. Pale and trembling the merchant fled the marketplace and made his way many many miles to the city of Samarra. For there he was sure Death could not find him. But when, at last , he came to Samarra, the merchant saw , waiting for him the grim figure of Death. “Very well”, said the merchant. “I give in , I am yours.” “But tell me , why did you look surprised when you saw me in this morning in Baghdad?” “Because , “ said Death “I had an appointment with you tonight in Samarra.” 从前有个商人,在巴格达一个著名的集市做买卖。 一天,他看见一个陌生人用惊讶的表情看着他,他认出这个陌生人就是死神。 商人被吓得面色苍白全身发抖,仓皇的逃离了集市,他走了很远很远,来到了一个叫萨马拉的城市。 在那里,商人认为死神不会找到他了。 但当他终于到达萨马拉时,商人看见等待自己的正是冷酷的死神。 “非常好”商人说。 “我放弃了,随你处置吧。” “但请告诉我,为什么今早在巴格达你看到我时面露惊讶?” “因为”死神回答道 “我今晚和你有个约,地点在萨马拉。” 背景音乐是来自电影《加勒比海盗》的配乐 Mermaids ———by Hans Zimmer