

2014-12-23    04'05''

主播: 新东方优才计划

1814 55

“红茶” “black tea”, In Chinese languages and the languages of neighboring countries, black tea is known as "red tea", a description of the colour of the liquid; the Western term "black tea" refers to the colour of the oxidized leaves. Man flu Man flu is a pejoratively used phrase that refers to the idea that men, when they have a cold, exaggerate and claim they have the flu. 英语里,对于男士感冒,专门有一个讽刺性的短语 man flu ‘男士小流感’。 For example: A: Is Jack off sick again? B: Yes, he’s got man flu. Well, clearly Jack got no sympathy from B, right? A问B: Jack 又病了吗? B告诉A说:对,他得了男士小流感,很明显在这,杰克并没有因病了而得到B的同情。 Man Friday Friday is one of the main characters of Daniel Defoe's 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe names the man, with whom he cannot at first communicate, Friday because they first meet on that day. The character is the source of the expression "Man Friday", used to describe a male personal assistant or servant, especially one who is particularly competent or loyal. For example: He cannot succeed without the help of his men Friday. 要是没有他得力助手们的帮助,他不能成功。