优才英语秀-Merry Christmas -Kelly | 何丹彤

优才英语秀-Merry Christmas -Kelly | 何丹彤

2014-12-24    03'34''

主播: 新东方优才计划

666 78

Good evening, everyone. Now you are listening to the English show presented by Only for the Top One. Christmas Eve! Yeah! I don’t quite remember since when Christmas became a thing even in China of which few population are Christian. Everyone is celebrating it. Shopping malls are putting up all the glamorous illuminations and they are also taking great advantage of this delightful festival to get themselves enormous sales. And probably you are already used to giving and receiving presents from your friends and family. But now I’m gonna ask a question which may seem like a buzz killer now. Why are we celebrating Christmas? I know some of you are able to give me all the stories and traditions about Christmas. And I can also convince myself with the word globalization and the fact that some foreigners are also celebrating Chinese new year too. But for me none of these is what makes tonight special. Don’t get me know wrong. I’m not saying that we should drop these pretty stuff and light moods tonight. Just from my perspective, it doesn’t have to be about any certain culture or tradition. It’s the spirit that all matters. The spirit of being grateful to all the beautiful things happened in the past year and to all the lovely people who showed up in your life even for just few seconds and to all the support and comfort you received and to all the efforts and company you gave. It’s time to look back and it’s also a time to look forward. One thing I like about the western culture is the New year resolution. resolution. This morning , I was asked to write down the things I hope to accomplish by this time next year and I did some serious thinking then I wrote it down. Maybe I can share one item from the list that is having breakfast everyday. Ok, I’m kidding. Don’t let my boss hear this. I believe it would be a great satisfaction if all of those can become true by this time next year. Of course, I need to work hard first. So, guys, tonight is about presents, Santa clause and apples. Chinese make it popular! And tonight is also about looking back and making wishes and what’s most important is a hug to the present, by present I don’t mean gift. I’d like you to give a hug to the present —the work you devoted to and the people you love. This is Kelly. For everyone who is listening to this: Merry Christmas.