

2015-01-09    04'31''

主播: 新东方优才计划

656 92

Good evening everyone. You are listening to the English show from Only for the Top One. 各位听众朋友们晚上好,现在大家听到的是由北京新东方优能中学部优才计划团队为大家带来的系列英语学习节目优才英语秀。我是今天的主播Shelly老师。 1. It is a nice day, isn&`&t it? 美好的周末开始了,小伙伴们打算去哪儿呢?well I know a lot of people just stay at home on weekends, playing computer games, doing some reading, or simply sleeping. We call them indoorsy people. Indoor 室内的,Indoorsy, 形容人很宅。Are you an indoorsy person? 2. Anyway, today&`&s topic is still 12 star signs and their Greek mythologies, and the star sign this week is Gemini. 本周星座是我们的双子座。People who are born approximately between May 21st and June 20th come under this sign. Its symbol is a pair of twins. Twins双胞胎。双子座,顾名思义,就是有一对儿双胞胎,星座符号也是twins. So who are the twins? 这就是我们今天要讲的希腊神话。 传说Leda是Sparta斯巴达国王的妃子,她同时生下了两对双胞胎。他们都是龙凤胎。其中Castor及Pollux两兄弟从小一起长大,两人感情非常好。Castor擅长骑马和驯马,常参加狩猎等冒险活动,而Pollux擅长拳击。有一天他们一起出游,与他人引发了冲突,激烈的争斗间,Castor被杀死了。Pollux看着Castor的尸体,伤心地请求诸神让他和Castor同死;Zeus 怜悯他们手足情深,便将Pollux的寿命分一半给Castor共享。从此两人便永不分离,半生的时间住在地狱,半生的时间住在奥林匹斯的神殿里。 3. From the story, we know the twins are actually brothers, each from a pair of twins. Castor and Pollux later become the two brightest stars of Gemini. Castor 和 Pollux后来分别成为了双子座最亮的α星和β星。 4. It is said that Gemini people like changes and fresh ideas. They might not always focus on one thing, but they can often play by ear. play by ear, 随机应变。双子座的人喜爱变化和新鲜事物,很难专心致志做一件事,但是他们反应灵敏,懂得随机应变。双子座的守护神是使者Mercury, 也是水星的意思,他掌握沟通,所以双子座的人善于和人相处,他们可以不停地说话。Gemini people can often get along well with others, and they can keep on talking without stop. It must be fun to have such a friend around me talking and talking, and I don&`&t have to say anything. Well, do you like talkative Gemini? Background music: Roll the Dice