10.04.EMF 心与心的交流(一):孩子向父母坦白

10.04.EMF 心与心的交流(一):孩子向父母坦白

2018-10-04    01'08''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

160 0

So we are even now.-NO. We are not ever A few years ago, for a birthday present, my mom, you got me these really nice pearl earrings. I went to an afterparty wearing these pearl earrings and drank a little too much. The earrings disappeared that night. wouldn't call it a lie. I'd say I've bent the truth. When I was really little at home, when you were not at home, I used to dress Russel up. Russel's my brother. I used to dress Russel up in princess clothes and paint his nails and do his make-up. We'd take all the make-up off of Russel and everything before you came home so you wouldn't know. Well, when I was in high school, I snuck out of the house all the time. Out to like the beach and... my boy friend and his friends. I actually did not go to prom.- The prom that you got the tuxedo for and paid all the money for?- I took a trip with my friends to Mexico. 所以我们现在扯平了。-不,我和你还没。几年前,我妈妈,你送了我一对非常漂 亮的珍珠耳环作为生日礼物。我戴着这对珍珠耳环去了一个舞会,之后又去了 一个聚会,然后有点喝多了。耳环在那天晚上就不翼而飞了。我不觉得这是撒 谎,我会说我只是扭曲了事实而已。 当我还很小的时候,总会趁你不在家,给 Russel打扮一下。 Russel是我的弟弟, 我过去总会给他穿上公主的衣服,给他涂指甲油和化妆。在你回家前, 我们会把所有的化妆都擦干净,这样你就不知道了。 好吧,当我在上高中的时候,我经常从家里偷偷溜出去。和我男朋友还有他的 朋友一起,去沙滩边玩。 我其实并没有去毕业舞会。-就是你特地去买燕尾服,而且还花了很多钱的那个舞会? -其实我和朋友一起去了墨西哥.