

2015-12-09    01'31''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

1714 103

*Reading that extraverts often need to talk. Because extraverts are more in touch with the external world, for them talking is something as necessary as breathing. They might think out loud by bouncing their thoughts off other people, and they might need to chat in order to boost their energy. For an introvert, this can be the most difficult part of dealing with an extravert. The same conversation that energies the extravert also drains the introvert. However, keeping in mind that the extravert is not being intentionally malicious, the introvert has at least two options for handling this in a polite way. They can patiently participate in the conversation, and then, when it’s over, recharge by being alone. Or they can cut off the conversation early by mentioning something else they need to be doing, or even by saying, “I’d like to help, but I’m not sure that I’m the right person for you to be talking to.” Of course, sometimes a conversation can be very enjoyable for an introvert, in which case this isn’t a problem. *Ask if someone is busy before spending time with them. If someone appears to be lonely, they might not be. Even if they’re just sitting there and don’t seem to be doing anything, they could be deep in thought and not to be interrupted. If you need something, try to ask for it up front. Otherwise, look for clues that they might not feel like talking right now, such as lack of eye contact. If they seem uninterested, don’t take it personally. You just don’t know what you’re interrupting. *Understand what a draining effect a conversation can have on someone. No matter how fabulous a person you are, keep in mind that introverts simply prefer their internal world to the external world. They might start off with a fully changed battery, but while they’re engaged in conversation, that battery is steadily draining. How long it lasts depends on various factors, but be sure to keep an eye out for when they’re out for when they’re starting to lose interest. Be more to the point with introverts, and save most of your chatting for extraverts who will appreciate it more.