Just  mommy  and me《妈妈和我》

Just mommy and me《妈妈和我》

2017-11-08    02'37''

主播: Ariel🍑🍀

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lf were monkey who swung on tree 如果我是在树上摇晃的猴子 And you were my mommy who swung after me. 你就是在我身后晃悠的妈妈。 And we bananas until there were none 我们一起把香蕉吃光 And then took a in the warm, cozy sun 然后在温暖惬意的阳光下打个盹 While clapping and jumping and dancing along.......and when we woke up we sang our favorite song 然后我们一路拍手,跳跃,舞蹈... 我们醒来的时候哼着最喜欢的歌 lf we were two monkeys who played hide- seek and l promised you, Mommy, that l wouldn't peek 如果我们是两只玩捉迷藏的猴子 我保证啊妈妈,我呀绝不会偷看 and we took a walk in cool, shady place 我们在阴凉下散步 and saw who could make the silliest face 来比比看谁能做出最丑的鬼脸 and we picked some flowers to put in your hat, and l got to choose them-- you know l'd love that! 采摘一些花儿放进你的帽子里, 让我来挑选它们--你知道我很喜欢! lf we were two monkeys just having a ball, 如果我们是尽情享乐的两只猴子, and you told me stories of when you were small 你会告诉我小时候的故事 and we took a swim with the fishes and frongs and splashed in the water and rolled on the logs 我们同鱼儿青蛙一道游泳 泼水玩耍站在木头上滚动 and snuggled up close while we looked on the skies to watch the sun set and the stars wink their eyes........ 我们相拥着仰望天空 看太阳落山看星星眨眼........ lf we did these things all the day long,and soon, We both fell asleep under bright Mr. Moon..... 如果我们每天都做这些事,那么很快, 我们在月亮先生的照耀下就会进入梦乡....... lmagine how happy and fun it would be. lf we were two monkeys, just mommy and me! 想象一下那该是多么好玩幸福啊。 如果我们是两只猴子,只有妈妈和我!