Elementary - Silence Please! (B0009) A: Those people in front of us are making so much noise. It’s so inconsiderate! B: Don’t worry about it; it’s not such a big deal. A: Oh. . . I can’t hear a thing! Excuse me, can you keep it down? C: Sure, sorry bout that! A: Someone’s phone is ringing! B: Honey, I think it’s your phone. Did you forget to switch it off? A: Oh, no! You’re right. That’s so embarrassing! C: Do you mind keeping it down? I’m trying to watch a movie here! Key Vocabulary inconsiderate Adjective not thinking of the feelings of other people; not thoughtful not such a big deal Phrase not a big problem can’t hear a thing Phrase unable to hear keep it down Phrase be quiet switch off Phrase turn off do you mind Phrase could you please Supplementary Vocabulary noisy Adjective very loud rude Adjective impolite to disturb Verb, Infinitive to interrupt, bother, or upset to interrupt Verb, Infinitive to speak or make noise when someone else is speaking to whisper Verb, Infinitive to speak very softly
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