

2017-04-13    02'01''

主播: Grace丝丝英语朗读

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欢迎关注微信公众号GraceRP获取文本内容。 He also pointed out that the Moon has no light of its own, its light comes from Earth, he said. He thought up an explanation for solar eclipses as well. P. S. Thank you for your attention, Sophie. It is not unlikely that you will need to read this chapter two or three times before you understand it all. But understanding will always require some effort. You probably wouldn't admire a friend who was good at everything if it cost her no effort. The best solution to the question of basic substance and the transformations in nature must wait until tomorrow, when you will meet Democritus. I'll say no more! Sophie sat in the den looking out into the garden through a little hole in the dense thicket. She had to try and sort out her thoughts after all she had read. It was as clear as daylight that plain water could never turn into anything other than ice or steam. Water couldn't even turn into a watermelon, because even watermelons consisted of more than just water.