

2017-04-23    04'38''

主播: 许乃夫老师

3534 96

(4.23)  “This is a case about Texas’s proposed implementation of one of the most popular voting reforms of the last 20 years,a common-sense requirement that when you show up to polls to vote, you prove you are who you say you are with a photo ID,” Texas attorney Adam Mortara told the U.S. District Court on Monday.    德州律师亚当·莫尔塔拉在周一对美国地区法院说道:“该法案表明,德州试图推进过去20年来最受欢迎的选举改革举措质疑,要求选民在选举投票时用带照片的身份文件证明是你本人,这是一个基本常识。” 语言点: (1)propose:(-pro-向前) vt.提议,建议;正式提议,提出…供表决;提出〈某观点、方法等〉; (2)implementation: n. 实现;履行;安装启用;      implement:vt.实施;执行;贯彻;n.〈尤指用于户外体力活的〉工具,用具,器具; (3)Common-sense 常识 (4)show up: <使>清晰;<使>变得明显;<使>显现出来; (5)Attorney:n.律师;公诉人 ;lawyer律师;