【Tom推荐的书】On the Shortness of Life

【Tom推荐的书】On the Shortness of Life

2016-04-18    72'23''

主播: A Box Of Cats

838 65

音频源:自购 作者:Seneca 朗读:Clint Arthur Tom去年夏天发了一条推,贴了这本书里某一页的照片。 我震惊阿:这个营销号居然发了非·营销内容。。。。。。然后看了一眼内容,额,导师,鸡汤吗?! 后来查了一下原来作者很厉害哟。他一般被称为Seneca the Younger,或者就是Seneca,公元前4年 – 公元 65年,古罗马斯多葛学派(Stoic)哲学家。他是暴君尼禄的导师和顾问,后来因为涉嫌一桩针对尼禄的刺杀活动,被迫自杀了,但是史料显示他可能是清白的。(整理自wiki) 好奇就找书来看了看,是鸡汤,不过是真·鸡汤,很睿智也很诚恳,确实能够补气养神。就去买了这个书的有声版。 但有声版不太喜欢,首先它是美音。。另外这个朗读的风格跟书的内容不是很贴,太特么美式了。总之都是美式的错。 书非常短,只有一个小时,推荐大家没事听听啦,这种书看得越早,对人生越有好处,像我这样年纪一把,看不看的就那么回事了。。。 附Tom的推,还有他拍的那段文字: Tom Hiddleston: Seneca. "On the Shortness of Life". He knew a thing or two. 15/8/7 Why do we complain about nature? She has acted kindly: life is long if you know how to use it. But one man is gripped by insatiable greed, another by a laborious dedication to useless tasks. One man is soaked in wine, another sluggish with idleness. One man is worn out by political ambition, which is always at the mercy of the judgement of others. Another through hope of profit is driven headlong over all lands and seas by the greed of trading. Some are tormented by a passion for army life, always intent on inflicting dangers on others or anxious about danger to themselves. Some are worn out by the self-imposed servitude of thankless attendance on the great. Many are occupied by either pursuing other people’s money or complaining about their own. Many pursue no fixed goal, but are tossed about in ever-changing designs by a fickleness which is shifting, inconstant and never satisfied with itself. Some have no aims at all for their life’s course, but death takes them unawares as they yawn languidly –so much so that I cannot doubt the truth of that oracular remark of the greatest of poets: ‘It is a small part of life we really live.’ Indeed, all the rest is not life but merely time.