轻松一刻 第94期一切正常

轻松一刻 第94期一切正常

2014-07-21    02'05''

主播: 爱小听

3142 2

Things Have Been Okay 一切都正常 A young couple were becoming anxious about their four-year-old son, who had not yet talked. 一对年轻夫妇有个儿子,已经四岁了,还没有开品说话,他们对此深感焦虑。 They took him to specialists, but the doctors found nothing wrong with him. 他们带他去找专家诊治,但医生们总觉得他没有毛病。 Then one morning at breakfast the boy suddenly blurted, "Mom, the toast is burned." 后来有一天早上吃早餐时,那孩子突然开口了:“妈妈,面包烤焦了。” "You talked! You talked!" Shouted his mother. "I'm so happy! But why has it taked this long?" “你说话了!你说话了!”他母亲叫了起来。“我太高兴了!但为什么花了这么长的时间呢?” "Well, up till now," Said the boy, "things have been okay." “哦,在这之前,”那男孩说,“一切都很正常。” Notes: 1.be anxious about v. 渴望,担忧;惦念;挂虑 eg. There is no reason to be anxious about the result. 不必为这结果而担心。 Don't be too anxious about your rights and having favors repaid. 不急于求回报。 2.blurt vt. 突然说出;脱口而出;漏出 eg. Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence. 彼得未考虑后果就把消息泄露了。 3.up till now直到现在 eg. up till now we have established ten projects 到目前为止我们共上了十个项目 想获得更多资讯吗?教你两个方法哦! 1、加人人电台官方微信"人人听力网":renrentingli 2、加人人电台官方QQ“人人听力网”:840247028 期待您的加入!期待您的建议和意见~