

2014-07-21    39'50''

主播: 爱小听

309 2

职场英语第六讲 期望的薪资待遇 1. May I ask about your present pay?可以问下你目前的薪资状况吗? 2. What’s your expected salary? 你期望的薪水是多少? What are your pay expectations? 你期望的工资是多少? 3. My present pay is 200,000 RMB annually plus some allowance and bonus. 我现在的年薪是20万元,再加上津贴和奖金。 I’m paid 150,000RMB annually in all.我的年薪总计15万元。 4.I hope my starting salary can reach 5,500 RMB. 我希望起薪能达到5500元。 I hope my starting salary would be at least 4.000TMB a month. 我希望月薪不低于4000元。 I require a monthly salary of 5,000 RMB.我希望月薪能有5000元。 5. I’m hoping for an appropriate pay according to my ability. 我希望能够根据我的个人能力给我一个合适的薪资. I expect salary closely related to the importance of the job. 我希望薪水和工作的重要性密切相关。 6. I accept 3,500 RMB per month during the probation period. 我可以接受试用期3500元。 I’m quite willing to follow rules you have here. 我非常乐意遵从这里的规定。 7.To be frank, it is a little bit less than I expected.说实话,这比我预期的要少一点。 That’s not what I was hoping for.这和我预期的有些出入。 8. 4,000 RMB has reached my bottom line. 4000元已经是我的底线了。 词汇解析:Bottom line 底线 9.We have all the benefits, such as health care insurance, housing allowance, paid vacation and so on. 我们有很多福利,比如医疗保险、住房补贴、带薪假期等等。 词汇解析: Health care insurance 医疗保险 Pension insurance 养老保险 Unemployment insurance 失业保险 Occupational injury insurance 工伤保险 Maternity insurance 生育保险 Housing provident funds 住房公积金 10.Is there still room for negotiation?还有商量的余地吗? There’s nothing can’t be negotiated. 没有什么不能协商的。 Is there any chance you would change your mind? 你有没有可能改变主意呢?