每日英语笑话 Wedding Anniversary结婚周年纪念

每日英语笑话 Wedding Anniversary结婚周年纪念

2014-09-20    01'00''

主播: 爱小听

122 4

A couple goes out to dinner to celebrate their 50 wedding anniversary. 一对夫妇出去吃饭庆祝他们的五十周年结婚纪念。 On the way home, she notices tears in his eyes and asks if he's getting sentimental because they are celerating fifty wonderful years together. 在回家的路上,她注意到他的眼里含着泪水,于是问他是否在感伤他们庆祝五十年在一起的美好时光。 He replies, " No, I was thinking about the time before we got married. 他回答说:“不,我在想我们结婚前的时光。 Your father threatened me with a short gun and said he would have thrown me in jail for fifty years if I didn't marry you." 你的爸爸用枪威胁我,说如果我不娶你,他会把我送进监狱蹲五十年。” 想获得更多资讯吗?教你两个方法哦! 1、加人人电台官方微信"人人听力网":renrentingli 2、加人人电台官方QQ“人人听力网”:840247028 期待您的加入!期待您的建议和意见~