有声读物《小妇人》第4期:第1章 四姐妹(4)

有声读物《小妇人》第4期:第1章 四姐妹(4)

2015-03-21    01'17''

主播: 爱小听

47 3

Well let Mother think were getting things for ourselves,and then surprise her,said Jo. 咱们让妈妈觉得咱们在给自己买东西,然后让她大吃一惊,琼说。 Mrs March arrived home soon after. She took off her wet things and put on her warm slippers. 马奇太太不久就回家了。她把湿衣服脱掉,换上暖和的拖鞋。 Meg made the tea, 麦格泡了茶, Jo brought wood for the fire,Beth was quiet and busy,and Amy gave orders. 琼给火炉拿来了木柴,白丝一声不响地忙碌着,艾米在发号施令。 Ive got a letter from Father!cried Mrs March. 我拿到了爸爸的来信!马奇太太喊道。 It was a letter to cheer them up,and the special message for the girls came at the end: 那是一封叫大家高兴起来的信,信尾是特别写给女孩子们的: Give them all my love and a kiss. 替我向她们转达我的爱和吻。 I think of them every day. 我每天都在想念她们, I know they will be loving childrento you,and that when I come back,I will be prouder than ever of my little women.A tear dropped off the end of Jos nose. 我知道她们会成为你的好孩子。我知道等我回家时,我会比以往任何时候都更为我的小妇人们感到骄傲。 Amy hid her face on her momers shoulder . 艾米将脸藏在母亲的臂弯里。 I'm selfish,she cried,but Ill try to be better. 我很自私自利,她哭泣着说,可我会努力变得好些。 We all will! cried Meg. 们都会的,麦格流着泪道。 I think too much about the way I look,and hate to work,but I wont any more. 我我太注重自己的外表,憎恨工作,但我以后不会了。