有声读物《小妇人》第5期:第1章 四姐妹(5)

有声读物《小妇人》第5期:第1章 四姐妹(5)

2015-03-22    01'12''

主播: 爱小听

48 4

And Ill try to be alittle woman,said Jo,and not be rough and wild. 我会尽力做个小妇人,琼说,不再粗野无礼了。 Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard at a blue army glove she was making. 白丝什么也没说,但她开始卖力地做一双蓝色的军用手套。 So the four girls decided that they would all try very hard to be good. 于是四个女孩都决心要尽力地做个好女孩, They would never be cross,or lazy,or selfish-and they would all help each other. 不再滥发脾气,不再懒隋,不再自私,她们将互相帮助。 They talked over their plan that evening,while they made sheets for Aunt March. 那天晚上,她们在给马奇姨妈做被单时仔细讨论了她们的计划。 Then at nine oclock they stopped to sing a song. 9点钟的时候,她们停下来一起唱一支歌。 Beth played the old piano, and Meg and her mother led the singing. 白丝弹着那架老钢琴,麦格和母亲一道领唱。 Jo always sang in the wrong place,but the girls never got too old to sing together. 琼总是唱得不对,可女孩子永远不会因为太大了而不能一起唱歌。