有声读物《小妇人》第6期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(1)

有声读物《小妇人》第6期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(1)

2015-03-23    01'22''

主播: 爱小听

28 3

Chapter 2 A Happy Christmas 第2章 快乐的圣诞节 Jo was the first to wake up on Christmas morning,but soon they were all awake and they went downstairs. 圣诞节清晨,琼是第一个醒来的,可随后她们就都醒了,然后下了楼。 Wheres Mother?asked Meg. 妈妈在哪儿?麦格问。 I dont know,said old Hannah. 我不知道,老海娜答道。 She had lived with the family since Meg was born,and was more like a friend than a servant. 她从麦格一出世就和全家住在一起,就像是一个朋友,而不像仆人。 Some poor woman came to the door and your mother went off to see what was needed. 有个可怜的女人来到门口,你们的母亲随她去了,好看看她需要什么。 Shell be back soon,said Meg. 她很快就会回来的,麦格说。 She looked at the presents for her mother which were in a basket under a chair, ready to bring out at the right time. 她看了看那些给母亲的礼物,它们被装在一个篮子里,放在椅子下面,时刻准备拿出来。 Where is Amys bottle of perfume? 艾米的那瓶香水呢? She went to put some pretty paper round it,I think,said Jo. 我想她是想拿去包上些漂亮的纸,琼答道。 Suddenly, they heard the outside door close. 突然,她们听到外面的门被关上了。 Heres Mother! Hide the basket, quick! said Jo. 妈妈来了,把篮子藏起来,快!琼说。 But it was Amy.She came in quickly. 但那是艾米。她匆匆走进屋。 Where have you been,and whats that behind you?asked Meg. 你到哪儿去了,藏在你身后的是什么?麦格问。 I ran to the shop and changed the little bottle of perfume for a big one,said Amy. 我跑到商店去了,把那瓶香水换成了一大瓶,艾米说, I spent all my money to get it,and Im not going to be selfish any more! 我花掉了所有的钱,我再也不自私了!