有声读物《小妇人》第7期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(2)

有声读物《小妇人》第7期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(2)

2015-03-24    01'40''

主播: 爱小听

43 3

Meg smiled proudly and put her arms around her sister.Then there was another bang from the outside door, and the basket was pushed back under the chair. 麦格骄傲地笑了,伸出双臂拥抱她的妹妹。然后外面的门又有响动了,篮子被推到了椅子下面。 The girls ran to the table,ready for their breakfast. 女孩子们跑到桌边坐定,准备吃早餐。 Happy Christmas, Mother!they shouted. 圣诞快乐,妈妈!她们喊道。 Happy Christmas,little daughters!said Mrs March. 圣诞快乐,小女儿们!马奇太太应道。 Then the smile disappeared from her face. 随后笑容从她脸上消失了。 Girls,listen.Not far away is a poor woman,Mrs Hummel,with a new baby. 孩子们,听着,不远处有个穷妇人,哈梅尔太太,她有个刚降生的婴儿。 Her six children are in one bed,trying to keep warm,as they have no wood for a fire. 她的六个孩子挤在一张床上取暖,因为他们没有木柴生火。 There is nothing to eat and they are hungry and cold. 他们没有吃的,又饿又冷。 Will you give them your breakfast as a Christmas present? 你们把你们的早餐送给他们做圣诞礼物怎么样? For a minute no one spoke.Then Jo said,Mother, 有一阵子没人说话。然后琼说:妈妈, I'm so glad you came back before we began to eat! 我很高兴你在我们开始吃饭之前回来! And the girls quickly began to put their breakfast in a basket. 孩子们开始很快地将她们的早餐放到一个篮子里。 I knew you would do it,said Mrs March,smiling. 我知道你们会这样做的,马奇太太微笑着说。 She took the girls and Hannah to a cold,miserable little room in an old building, 她把孩子们和海娜带到位于一座旧楼里的一间又冷又破的小屋里。 where they found a sick mother,a crying baby,and a group of children with white,frightened faces. 在那里她们见到了一位生病的母亲,一个正在啼哭的婴儿,和一帮面容苍白、满脸恐惧的孩子。 The children were on the bed under a blanket,trying to keep warm. 那些孩子挤在床上的一张毛毯里,试图以此取暖。