有声读物《小妇人》第9期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(4)

有声读物《小妇人》第9期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(4)

2015-03-26    01'17''

主播: 爱小听

47 2

It was an exciting story about Hugo,beautiful Zara and brave Roderigo. 那是一个关于雨果、美丽的赞拉和勇敢的罗德里歌的激动人心的故事。 There were also two ghosts,a cruel king,and a tall castle made of paper and wool-which unfortunately fell down just as Roderigo and Zara were escaping from it. 还有两个鬼魂、一个残暴的国王以及一个由纸和木头做成的城堡。不幸的是,当罗德里歌和赞拉从城堡中出逃时,城堡塌了下来。 There were screams of laughter from everyone, 所有观众都尖声大笑, but the actors picked the mselves up and carried on through more dangers and mysteries until the happy ending was reached. 可演员们将城堡扶起,又历经许多的风险和神秘,最终获得了幸福的结局。 All the visitors loved the play,and after the excitement and fun came a surprise for everyone. 每个来访者都十分喜欢那出剧。这件令人激动、妙趣横生的事件过后,发生了一件令每个人都吃惊的事。 would the young ladles like to stay for supper?asked Hannah. 你们这些年轻小姐都留下来吃晚饭好吗?海娜问道。 And when the girls saw the supper table,they could not believe their eyes! 当女孩子们看见餐桌的时候,她们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛! There was ice-cream,cake,fruit,and French chocolate! 冰淇淋、蛋糕、水果和法国巧克力! And in the middle of the table were flowers for each of the four actors. 在桌子正中还摆着给四位演员每人一束鲜花! Where did it all come from?asked Amy. 哪来的?艾米问。 From Father Christmas, perhaps?said Beth. 可能是圣诞老人送来的,白丝说。