有声读物《小妇人》第8期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(3)

有声读物《小妇人》第8期:第2章 快乐的圣诞节(3)

2015-03-25    01'15''

主播: 爱小听

50 3

The woman almost cried with happiness when she saw the girls. 那妇人见到女孩子们后高兴得几乎哭出来。 Hannah,who had brought wood,made a fire. 海娜带来了木柴,燃起了炉火。 Mrs March gave the mother tea and hot food,then she dressed the little baby gently. 马奇太太把茶和热气腾腾的食物交给了那位母亲,并轻柔地给婴儿穿衣服。 The girls put the children round the fire and fed them like hungry birds. 女孩子们则把其他孩子抱到炉火旁边,然后像喂小鸟一样喂给他们东西吃。 It was a very happy meal, although the girls ate none of it. 那顿饭吃得很高兴,虽然女孩子们并没有吃到东西。 But no one was happier than those hungry young ladies who gave away their breakfast on Christmas morning. 可没有任何人能比这些在圣诞节早晨将早餐送给别人的饿肚子的女孩子更高兴了。 Mrs March was surprised and pleased when she saw her presents later. 马奇太太随后看到她的礼物时又惊又喜。 There was a lot of laughing and kissing and explaining. 此后是一阵大笑、亲吻和解释。 Then,for the rest of the day,the girls were busy. 然后,那天剩下的时光里女孩子们都忙忙碌碌的。 Jo liked to write plays,and the four of them were going to act one that evening. 琼喜欢写剧本,那天晚上她们四个就要演其中一个剧。 They had learned their words,and had worked hard to make strange and wonderful clothes for all the different characters in the play. 她们已经记住了台词,还费力地为剧中的不同人物做了怪异和精彩的服装。 On Christmas night, some other girls came to watch. 圣诞节晚上,其他一些女孩子都来看表演。 At first,there was a lot of whispering and laughing from the four sisters behind the curtains. 一开始,幕后传出了四姐妹的许多低语和笑声, Then the curtains were opened and the play began. 然后,幕帘开启,演出开始。