Chinese expressions rendered into English

Chinese expressions rendered into English

2018-03-19    05'22''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

249 2

1.不痛不痒的话:talking about the weather/small talk. It's hard for us to have a heart-to-heart chat when you just keep talking about the weather. 2.不像话/岂有此理: outrageous She wears a miniskirt to her wedding. It's outrageous. How could he say such a thing? It's really outrageous. 3.不屑一顾:think oneself too good to do something. He thought he was too good to work for this well-known company. 4.不修边幅:not pay attention to one's appearance. He never pays attention to his appearance. 5.不择手段/无所不用其极:by any means available. He has obtained high profits by any means available. 6.不正经:in a tongue-in-cheek manner, off-color. He always talks in a tongue-in-cheek manner. He often makes off-color jokes to his female colleagues. 7.不知不觉:unintentionally. I was so swarmped with work that I unintentionally missed my appointment. 8.不知所云:mumbo-jumbo. That professor just talks mumbo-jumbo. Not much of what he says makes any sense to me. 9.不知天高地厚:still wet behind the ears. This young man is fresh out of college and still wet behind the ears. 10.不着边际:dancing around the subject. He always fidgets and dances around the subject when he talks with women. 11.不自在:uneasy. His staring makes me feel uneasy.