Chinese expression rendered into English

Chinese expression rendered into English

2018-04-05    05'53''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

121 0

1. 擦屁股(capigu): clean up the mess. Be careful! I don't want to clean up your mess again. 2. 才怪呢!太阳从西边出来了。(cai guai ne/taiyang cong xibian chulai le): when pigs fly, when hell freezes over. He will win the championship when pigs fly. 3. 参差不齐(cenci buqi): uneven/ a mixed bag. This class is a mixed bag,so it is challenging to teach every student. 4. 插队(cha dui): cut in front of, jump the line. He always cuts in front of other people instead of waiting for his turn. 5. 茶余饭后(chayu fanhou): fodder for dinner conversation. That movie star's marriage has become fodder for dinner conversation. 6. 拆东墙补西墙(chai dong qiang,buxiqiang): take from Peter to pay Paul. Taking money from a subsidiary of our company would be like taking from Peter to pay Paul. 7. 馋(chan): greedy, "such a pig", crave for. You are such a pig. You ate that whole box of candy.