some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2018-05-03    04'51''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

30 0

1. 初出茅庐: chu-chu-mao-lu: at the beginning of one's career;fledgling: Don't put too much pressure on her. She is still a fledgling politician. 2. 出尔反尔:chu-er-fan-er: go back to one's word; break a promise: He is not one to break a promise. 3. 出乎意料之外:chu-hu-yi-liao-zhi-wai: not in one's wildest dreams: Not in my wildest dreams would he be elected chairperson. 4. 出卖:chu-mai: barter away;trade away;sell out: Under no circumstances will we ever sell out the interests of our country. 5. 出气筒:chu-qi-tong: punching bag: I am tired of being your punching bag. 6. 出人头地:chu-ren-tou-di: come out on top: He always strives to come out on top. 7. 出洋相:chu-yang-xiang: create a scene;make a spectacle of oneself: She's very nervous,always afraid of making a spectacle of herself. 8. 出状况:chu-zhuang-kuang: encounter some hitches: Their plan has encountered some hitches,so it will be impossible to finish the assignment this month.