some more Chinese expression rendered into English

some more Chinese expression rendered into English

2018-04-24    05'08''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

92 2

1. 吃着碗里的,看着锅里的: chi-zhe-wan-li,kan-zhe-guo-li: want to have one's cake and eat it. Although he has a beautiful wife,he continually eyes other women.( He wants to have the cake and eat it, too) 2. 充其量:chong-qi-liang:at most: This weighs at most 5 kilograms. 3. 丑八怪:chou-ba-guai:ugly person;as ugly as sin;a butt-ugly guy: She's as ugly as sin,so I doubt she has many offers of marriage. 4. 丑化:chou-hua: vilify;drag...through the mud: The politician tried to win votes by dragging his opponent through the mud. 5. 抽空:chou-kong: take time out of one's busy schedule;try to free oneself: I'll try to free myself so that I can see him in the hospital. 6. 臭骂:chou-ma: chew...out;give a tongue-lashing: Because of his failure to finish the job on time,he got chewed out by his boss. 7. 臭美:chou-mei: full of oneself: He's so full of himself that he often makes a bad impression to many dates. 8. 愁眉苦脸:chou-mei-ku-lian: put on a long face: He came out of the boss' office with a long face.