Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English.

Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English.

2018-05-14    04'45''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

38 1

1. 凑份子: cou-fen-zi: chip in/ pitch in(to buy something): Let's all chip in and get Lisa a gift for her wedding next month. 2. 凑齐: cou-qi: round up: Have we rounded up enough people? 3. 醋坛子: cu-tan-zi: insanely jealous: My husband becomes insanely jealous if I speak with another man. 4. 催命鬼:cui-ming-gui: slave driver: My boss is a slave driver who never lets me rest. 5.打扮: da-ban: decked out: She's all decked out for the party. 6. 打包票:da-bao-piao: guarantee: This plan will probably be successful,but no one can guarantee it. 7. 搭便车:da-bian-che: hitchhike: I hitchhiked my way across Europe. 8. 大不了:da-bu-liao: big deal/ the worst that will happen: What's the big deal? Just get someone to fix it. So what,the price is increasing? The worst that will happen is that we won't buy it.